6 signs in winter that your body is lacking vitamin D

Vitamin D is an essential vitamin for the body because it contributes to many functions of the body. However, vitamin deficiencies are common. Often people start facing this problem as they get older. About 76 percent of Indians suffer from vitamin D deficiency because they do not get the required amount of the vitamin through diet or sunlight. In addition to filling the body’s calcium deficiency, vitamin D is very important for strengthening bones and improving immunity.

When your body lacks vitamin D, it can lead to many health problems like rickets, osteoporosis and others. Therefore, it is important that you continue to check your vitamin D levels and the best way to detect a deficiency is to recognize the early symptoms. Here are some symptoms of vitamin D deficiency.

If you have a vitamin D deficiency, you may feel tired and weak even after a good night’s sleep. Vitamin D also affects your sleep-wake cycle. Due to which you feel tired.

mood swings
When you have a vitamin D deficiency, your risk of depression, anxiety and irritability increases. Vitamin D is associated with the production of serotonin. During which depression and other mood disorders may occur.

pain in bones
Vitamin D helps with the absorption of calcium in your body. When there is a vitamin D deficiency in your body, it affects calcium absorption. Which affects your bone health and causes bone pain.

hair loss
When there is a deficiency of vitamin D in your body, it causes hair loss. Its deficiency affects the health of hair follicles. This is why hair eventually falls out and becomes thin.

  Thanks to this hormone present in the body, stress decreases, so you can control it.

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wounds do not heal properly
A sign of vitamin D deficiency is poor wound healing. Vitamin D can help fight infections and when your body is deficient in the vitamin, it can slow down the wound healing process.

muscle cramps
Vitamin D deficiency can affect muscle function. This happens because calcium is not properly absorbed by the body, causing muscle weakness and cramping.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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