Does brushing also damage teeth? Know the answer

Brush your teeth : Very often, in the rush, people forget to brush their teeth in the morning. For this reason, we continue to feel strange throughout the day. Because of this, oral health may deteriorate. Taking care of your teeth reduces the risk of serious illnesses. This also keeps teeth and gums healthy. A study shows that only one in ten people brush their teeth correctly.

Those who don’t brush properly are at risk of dementia. This may be due to tooth decay or tooth decay. There is also a risk of brain swelling and tooth infection. To protect teeth from decay, they should be brushed at least once a day, but the question often arises whether brushing can damage teeth. Let us know the answer…

Can brushing harm your teeth

Experts say many people take very little time to brush their teeth. For some people, brushing their teeth twice a day is a real chore. To keep your teeth healthy, it is important to clean them properly. Brushing is necessary to clean teeth, but if you brush too quickly several times a day, it weakens the top layer of enamel. As a result, the roots of the teeth become visible and a lot of damage can also occur. If the brushes are not replaced even after the bristles wear out, many types of oral problems can occur.

Don’t make 5 mistakes when brushing

1. The same brush should never be used for more than 3 to 4 months. A brush should only be used 200 times. Otherwise, the teeth will not be cleaned properly and bacteria may develop.

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2. Never brush or rinse too quickly. This does not clean the mouth properly. Brushing should be done for at least 45 seconds to 2 minutes.

3. Keeping the brush in the bathroom poses a risk of bacterial problems. In fact, even after cleaning the toilet, germs remain in it, the brush kept in it can cause tooth infection.

4. If you don’t clean your tongue at the same time as your teeth, bacterial problems can arise.

5. Flossing can weaken and damage teeth. However, very few people use it in our country.

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