Want strong abs? Personal trainers say to skip crunches and do these 6 exercises instead.

  • Sit-ups and sit-ups aren’t the only way to develop strong abs.
  • Underrated exercises like planks and flutter kicks are effective, low-impact alternatives.
  • Doing different core exercises also helps add variety to your exercise routine.

If you want to build strong abs, focusing on underrated exercises that use anti-movement may be a more effective option than doing hundreds of sit-ups daily.

“A common belief in strength training is that performing a movement that uses the core muscle is the best way to train it,” he says. alex rothsteinstrength and conditioning coach and program coordinator for the Exercise Science Program at the New York Institute of Technology. “But when you train your abs, the main function of the muscle is to prevent movement, [so] anti-movement exercises tend to provide the most benefit.”

Rothstein recommends focusing on exercises that represent anti-extension (planks), anti-flexion (deadlifts), and anti-rotation (Pallof press). Fortunately, most of these ab exercises require little to no equipment, minimal space, and are low-impact.

Below are six of the best underrated exercises for building strong abs, as recommended by Rothstein as well as the trainer. nico gonzalez of Vital wellness online.


The plank is a solid core exercise that builds on your anteriors (the front of your body) to help keep your posteriors (the back of your body) from over-straining. “Work the muscles from your shoulders to your feet,” says Rothstein.

1. Begin on your knees with your hands planted on the ground in front of you, creating a table with your back.

two. Extend your legs behind you to create a straight plane from your shoulders to your feet.

3. Try to keep your hips in this even plane; if your hips drop too far, it automatically defeats the purpose of the exercise since your back is taking more stress than your front.

Four. As you hold, lean your body weight into your arms; be sure to avoid shifting your weight to your feet and having your legs do most of the work (something that can happen when you get tired, says Rothstein)

5. As you engage your core, imagine gently cracking your belly and pushing your shoulders forward so your shoulder blades spread apart.

Number of series and repetitions: Try to hold the plank for as many seconds as you can while maintaining solid form, and make the total number of sets add up to one minute. Work up to holding a plank for one minute at a time.

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Forearm Plank Hip Dips

This plank variation is one of Gonzalez’s favorites as it effectively works the abdominals, obliques, and lower back. He tries to keep a core engaged so his torso doesn’t sink toward the ground or arch up too much.

1. Begin by kneeling on the floor, then bring your forearms to the floor about shoulder-width apart.

two. Extend both legs behind you and assume a plank position; be careful to brace your core and resist arching your back.

3. Rotate your hips slightly to sink one side of your body toward the ground. Rotate everything from your belly button to your legs, but keep the upper half of your body firm and strong.

Four. Return your hips to floor level and return to the original forearm plank position.

5. Rotate your hips in the other direction and dip that hip in the same motion.

6. Return to the forearm plank position.

Number of series and repetitions: Do 10 reps on each side.

Hollow Grip Flutter Kicks

Flutter kicks are an underrated abdominal exercise because they not only work the stabilizing core muscles (upper, lower, and obliques), but also engage the glutes, hip flexors, and quads.

Here’s how to do it correctly:

1. Start on your back with your arms extended above your head and your legs stretched out on the floor. Focus on keeping your abs tight and allow your breath to expand your ribs in and out.

two. As you exhale, lift your upper body off the ground, extend your arms out to the sides of your hips (similar to a crunch), and slightly lift your legs off the ground.

3. Inhale and exhale, but stay firm in your abdomen. Begin to shake your legs up and down at a rate that slightly shakes your balance. Work on keeping your hips and back tight.

Four. Flutter kick to a count of 10, then slowly lower your upper body and legs back to the floor.

Number of series and repetitions: Perform 10 sets of 10 kicks.

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Side Plank Twist

The side plank can be difficult to master as it requires core strength and balance, but you can modify it to stay on your forearms and knees for stability. This exercise works your abs, obliques, shoulders, and hips, plus it puts little stress on your back and helps improve balance and coordination.

1. Start in a plank or forearm position.

two. Turn your whole body open to the left, place your legs one on top of the other and support yourself with one hand or forearm.

    • You can choose to keep your bottom leg straight or drop your bottom knee to the ground for support.

3. Extend your upper arm toward the ceiling. Assume a straight line from the crown of your head to your feet.

Four. Keeping your hips stacked on top of each other, bring your top hand toward the floor in front of your body, while allowing your chest to rotate.

    • You’ll feel your oblique work as you twist, and remember to keep your hips and legs steady. Turn only as far as you can keep your balance.

5. Bring your arm back toward the ceiling and return to your side plank to complete the rep.

Number of series and repetitions: Perform 10 repetitions on each side of your body.

pallof press

The Pallof Press helps strengthen muscles from the legs to the core and arms, providing a true full-body workout. Rothstein recommends using a cable station if you have access to one for this move. If he doesn’t, a Pallof press variation can be done using a resistance band attached to an anchor point at chest height.

1. Hold the handle attached to the cable station and instead of looking at the cable, turn 90 degrees left or right.

two. Hold the cable with both hands and against your chest and assume a stable stance with your legs slightly apart.

3. Slowly press the handle away from your chest; the weight will seem to get significantly heavier as you do this and your torso will naturally begin to rotate.

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Four. Engage your core muscles as you twist to maintain proper form; this is a form of anti-rotational training that strengthens the muscles of the legs, core, and arms.

5. Rotate back to your starting position and repeat the movement.

Number of series and repetitions: Aim for three sets of eight to 12 reps.

Knee raise or hanging leg

Rothstein likes this exercise because the act of hanging stretches the abdominal muscles and weakens them a bit, and as you perform the lifting movement, the muscles are challenged more.

You will need access to a pull up bar or captain’s chair to do this exercise.

1. Start by bending your knees and lifting them towards your elbows.

    • Rothstein recommends bringing your knees up to your elbows. You’ll be crushing your abs and even tilting your hips slightly to bring your knees up to this height.

two. Then lower your legs back to the starting position, straightening your legs and knees as you go.

3. Repeat this movement at a medium pace.

For a challenging alternative: Do a version of this move by straightening your legs and keeping them straight as you raise them in front of you.

Number of series and repetitions: Perform eight to 10 repetitions.

Insider Takeaway

Ditch the crunches to add variety and more benefits to your ab workouts. Focus on movements that work all of your core muscles and even some muscles in your hips or back.

Your entire body will thank you for a stronger core, as you’ll experience better balance, stability, and posture.

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