Cheat Your Way Thin by Joel Marion – Cheat Your Way Thin review

Cheat Your Way Thin by Joel Marion is a new way to lose weight. Can you imagine not counting calories, not measuring portions and not having to learn complicated nutrition facts about the foods you eat? Joel Marion has created a plan that is easy to follow and easy to read. Her new plan will have you eating foods you actually love and also make you feel like you’re cheating on your weight loss.

Joel doesn’t give you recommendations about the number of calories you need for your daily intake, he doesn’t tell you how many grams of fat you need and he doesn’t tell you how many grams of protein you need.

Instead he’ll tell you what a serving of a particular food item should look like (a serving of chicken breast should be about the size of the palm of your hand). He has several weeks’ worth of meals that will support the type of food needed to keep fat-burning leptin levels at optimal levels.

Leptin is a hormone that affects how energy is metabolized in your body. When your caloric intake is restricted, leptin levels go down. Fat burning slows down and you start storing ugly fat. When calorie intake increases, your body’s ability to burn unwanted fat also increases.

So how does one lose weight with Cheat Your Way Thin? I guess you could call this calorie shifting or calorie rotating. You’ll be eating the recommended foods most days of the week and you’ll have one day to cheat your way out. This type of change will prevent your body from using caloric intake to a level that will result in a drop in leptin available to burn fat.

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The plan will give you an easy to understand explanation of how leptin works and you’ll get 12 weeks of meal plans already laid out to go with the exercises you use for six days of the week. On your cheat day, you can take a day off from exercise if you feel like it. There is little flexibility in it which makes the plan very easy to follow.

When you order Cheat Your Way Thin it comes with a 60 day money back guarantee and Joel says everyone should be able to get results from his plan. If you have a problem they say they will happily refund your money.

Source by Jere Moline

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