After watching this video, your kids will be even afraid to touch the cell phone, find the most accurate way

Today’s kids also live in the tech- and phone-obsessed world we all live in. Six-month-olds spend over an hour in front of a screen. The average teenager gets their first phone before the age of 12. Recently, the U.S. Surgeon General called for warning labels to be placed on social media platforms so parents can be informed about the effects of apps on young people’s mental health. Deciding how to introduce kids to technology and the limits on its use is no longer a question of ifs and buts, but when.

Teachers at HP International School in Badaun, UP have come up with an awareness plan to keep children away from mobile phones. In the video, a teacher is seen crying with a blindfold on. When asked by the teacher, she says that her eyes are bleeding because she is looking at her mobile phone too much. The children are scared of this. Meanwhile, the teacher gives mobile phones to the children but they refuse to take them. This is a good way to keep children away from mobile phones..!!

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Mobile phones, laptops and other new gadgets are making people addicted and children are becoming the most addicted to them. Using a mobile phone or laptop for hours and even lying down and looking at your mobile phone late at night makes your body sick from inside. Manish Singh, Head of Neuro Department, Kanpur Medical College said that nowadays, the problem of neck pain is being seen all the time in hospitalized children.

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Children face these problems

Prof Singh said that diseases that used to start or appear between the ages of 50 and 55 are now being seen in children between the ages of 13 and 20. Often, children sit in the same position and use their mobile phones for hours. Even mothers of children give mobile phones to their children and do their work freely, thinking that now the children will not disturb them and they will be able to do their work. Due to these habits of parents, children are getting away from normal activities and are becoming addicted to electronic gadgets.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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