Are mouthwash users at greater risk of cancer? British doctors scared

A British surgeon spoke on his podcast and found that using certain types of mouthwash increases the risk of cancer. Karan Rajan argued that a person should stay away from this particular type of mouthwash because it increases the chances of contracting a type of cancer.

No specific evidence has been found that the use of mouthwash increases the risk of cancer. But some research has shown that it can definitely increase the risk of cancer. It is said to increase the risk of cancer because it is composed of alcohol. If used for a long time, the risk of oral cancer increases. However, research has not found any specific evidence that it increases the risk of cancer. One study found that using mouthwash three or more times a day or for more than 40 years may be linked to oral cancer.

Mouthwash can be dangerous

However, the study was small and the results should be interpreted with caution. Alcohol-based mouthwashes may increase the risk of oral cancer when used with other risk factors such as smoking or alcohol.

Research has shown that mouthwashes increase the number of bacteria in the mouth. This bacteria can cause gum disease, throat cancer, stomach cancer, and cancers in other parts of the body.
Gum disease can also spread to other parts of the body. Using mouthwash significantly increases the risk of throat and stomach cancer. Oral health has a direct impact on the stomach and body.

Due to proper cleaning of the mouth, the risk of oral infection and gum diseases increases, such as the problem of swelling of the gums. Swollen gums can be a cause of cancer.

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There is a risk of infection if you have gum disease. Stomach cancer has been linked to throat cancer. Many bacteria are responsible for gum disease. Like Fusobacterium nucleatum. When this bacteria spreads to other parts of the body, the person begins to get sick.

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The amount of Fusobacterium nucleatum and Streptococcus anginosus is increased in mouthwashes. Because of this, bacteria begin to multiply in the mouth. Due to this, the tumor begins to grow. And in the future it will take the form of cancer.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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