Habit of washing your hands frequently: In childhood, everyone learns that it is necessary to wash their hands before eating. After eating food before eating food, before cooking, after cooking, everyone was washing. Even after using the toilet, everyone washes their hands. If you cough or sneeze. Or you are sitting near a patient.
Even then, it’s just to wash your hands. You go home after staying all day. Even then, he washes his hands. And when Karona came. Then people did nothing without washing their hands. But now this is not the case. But despite that, many people are like that. Those who continue to wash their hands over and over again. To what extent the habit of washing your hands again and again. Let’s say
It is not fair to wash your hands again and again
If someone is used to washing hands again and again. So tell me this habit is not correct. Wash your hands again and still can spoil the health of your hands. This can eliminate humidity between your hands. When you wash your hands again and use soap. Or using hand washing. Thus, the skin of your hands becomes dry and begins to burst.
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At the same time, some people have a sensitivity to the skin. In such a situation, when these people wash their hands again and again. There can therefore be irritation in their hands. There can therefore also be signs of compulsive obesity disorder of the OCD. Therefore, keep all these things specially in mind.
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Follow this method
When you come to wash your hands, apply a moisturizer to your hands. So that the humidity of your hands remains intact and they are avoided to become dry. Try to wash your hands only when it is very important. If you want to wash your hands again and again without speaking. Then you can take a doctor’s consultation for this. Washing hands is a good habit. But repeated washing is a bad habit. It can have a bad effect on the health of your hands. Therefore, it is very important to maintain balance with this.
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