As soon as women pass 30 their bones start to weaken, do these things daily

Women’s health after 30 : Aging bones begin to weaken. This problem is seen more particularly among women. After age 30, women’s bone mass begins to decline, leading to progressive bone weakness. In fact, during this process, new bones are formed slowly and old ones begin to be removed quickly. In some women this happens more quickly, leading to a significant reduction in bone mass.

Excessive loss of bone mass can also lead to serious problems like osteoporosis. Because of this, bones can break easily and walking problems can occur. Therefore, women should take care of their bones after this age. They have to do a certain amount of work every day.

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After 30, women should take care of themselves

1. Maintain calcium and vitamin D

Adults need 1,000 to 1,200 mg of calcium per day. Apart from this, vitamin D is also necessary for strengthening bones. To get enough calcium, you can eat almonds, dairy products, vegetables and fortified cereals. Apart from this, to overcome vitamin D deficiency, include low-fat dairy products like soy milk, tofu, green leafy vegetables and legumes in your daily diet.

2. Sit in the sun daily

Sit in the morning sun two to three times a week for at least 10 to 15 minutes. This will replenish vitamin D in the body. It is also a very important vitamin for absorbing calcium in the body. So don’t make the mistake of staying away from the sun.

3. Exercise

Do light exercises for 30 minutes a day. This strengthens bones and muscles. Include yoga, walking, body movements, weight-bearing exercises like weight training, dancing and jogging in your daily routine.

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4. Quit alcohol and cigarettes, reduce caffeine

5. Maintain body weight

Being overweight leads to osteoporosis and bone loss, which leads to weight loss. Additionally, being overweight puts a lot of pressure on bones, which can make problems worse. So try to maintain your weight.

6. Keep getting your bones checked

Most people don’t fully understand the weakening of bones, which can lead to an increased risk of fracture. In such a situation, continue to have your bone density checked from time to time. Hormone replacement therapy may be helpful in women who have recently gone through menopause or who have low estrogen levels and who have osteoporosis.

Check out the health tools below –
Calculate your body mass index (BMI)

Calculate age calculator through age

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