Best Indirect Abs Workout That Delivers More Benefits Than Targeted Abs Exercises

Many of you might be thinking that to work your abdominals, you have to do specific targeted ab exercises like sit ups or crunches etc. These ab exercises are good for targeting your abs area. However, there are actually some exercises that can actually do more for your abs than those typical ab workouts.

I will show you three best exercises that can indirectly work your abs as well as work your whole body which increases your metabolism. You’ll notice that these three exercises that I’ll show you don’t include any specific ab workouts that target your abs directly.

Here are the three best indirect ab workouts:

1) Dumbbell Row Push
Starting position requires you to hold two dumbbells in your hand and get into a push up position. Stabilize the starting position with both hands on a dumbbell and keep your back straight. Next, while holding the dumbbell, raise your left dumbbell toward your body and use your other hand to stabilize the action. Then slowly lower the dumbbell back to the floor and repeat it with the other arm. While you are reading this you must be wondering where does this abs work? Well, when you’re stabilizing your action, you’re working your abs. You will definitely feel your abs working with this workout.

2) Barbell Front Squats
The starting position will be similar to back squats. First place the barbell in front of your shoulder and stabilize it. Then slowly cross your arms and hold the barbell with your hands on the barbell itself. Your elbows should be facing forward instead of down. The starting position can be difficult at first but once you get used to it it becomes very easy. Next, focus on slowly lowering your butt while keeping your knees bent, stabilizing the barbell. Then slowly bring yourself to the starting position. Even though this exercise is training your leg muscles, you’ll feel like you’re actually using a lot more stabilizing power from the abs as well.

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3) Leg Shuffle
It’s similar to some break-dance moves you’ve seen elsewhere. First get into the push up position and then shift your left leg inwards in such a way that your knee is below your chest area. After this come back to the push up position. Repeat this with the other leg. For more advance, you can do one or two push ups in each repetition to make it more challenging. You will find that your abs are booming after this workout.

To get the best effect, you should do at least 3 sets of 10 reps per workout. The rest time between sets should not exceed 30 seconds.

These are the 3 best ab workouts that indirectly help you build your abs and at the same time give you a full body workout. Try it and I am sure you will feel the effect.

Source by Wayne Revlon

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