Breast Cancer Risk Is Increasing In India, Know The Preventive Measures! – GoMedia

Breast cancer is emerging as a major disease in today’s world, affecting one in eight women. This disease is spreading rapidly across the world, but if we measure its average, the number of breast cancer patients is increasing in India. This is because in some regions, women lack awareness and even the early symptoms of the disease are ignored. We have many tests through which we can detect this disease at an early stage. Dr. Sajjan Rajpurohit, Head, Department of Medical Oncology, Rajiv Gandhi Cancer Institute and Research Centre, says that an abnormal and uncontrolled growth of cells in any part of the body is called cancer. As it continues to grow, pieces of this tissue are carried in the bloodstream to other parts of the body and start growing to a new place. This is called metastasis.


Dr. Rajpurohit says that knowing anatomy is very important to know about breast cancer. Breast is an important part of the body. The main function of the breast is to produce milk through its milk-producing tissues. These tissues are connected to the nipple by microscopic vessels (ducts). In addition, they are surrounded by other tissues, fibrous substances, fat, nerves, blood vessels and some lymphatic channels that complete the structure of the breast. It is important to know here that most breast cancers are caused by fractures or small pieces of duct, small calcifications (hardened particles) in the breast tissue and then progress to cancer. It can spread to other organs through lymphatic channels or bloodstream.

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Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers and is becoming a deadly disease for women worldwide. Breast cancer is a type of skin cancer that occurs when breast cells grow out of control. In the form of a lump, called a tumor.


The average age at which Indian women get breast cancer is decreasing. One in 22 women is at risk of developing breast cancer at any point in their lives. If breast cancer is detected in the first or second stage, it has a high chance of being cured. It is important to prevent breast cancer by making certain changes in your habits and lifestyle.


What is breast cancer?


Breast cancer is a problem in which breast cells and tissues grow unnecessarily, causing a lump in the breast. tumor Grows. This tumor causes breast cancer. Breast cancer usually women is a skin cancer, which is fatal in most women. Breast cancer can also occur in women, but is most commonly seen in women. Breast cancer usually begins in the milk-producing glands (ducts). This cancer Men It is found in 100 times more women than men.



breast cancer symptoms


Symptoms of breast cancer can vary from person to person, so symptoms of breast cancer can be detected by looking and feeling the breast. Even if you feel breast cancer without feeling anything, if a painless lump in the breast grows, if there is a change in the shape of the breast and enlargement of the lymph nodes under the arms, then this is a sign of breast cancer. Therefore, if this happens, you should consult a doctor.

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  • Changes in breast shape, obesity, breast shrinkage or swelling are the main symptoms of breast cancer.


  • to be skin turns orange


  • be red, thick or scaly


  • breast pain


  • breast abnormality Heat Or redness.


  • lymph nodes Pain under the arm or around the collarbone.


Breast Cancer Prevention


  • With so much information and awareness about breast cancer causes and risk factors, there are certainly many ways to fight or avoid this disease.


  • less alcohol consumption Exercise And In good health Food can definitely reduce the risk of cancer spreading.


  • Use of temoxifin for breast cancer High Done in women with risk factors.


  • Post-treatments used in the treatment of osteoporosismenopauseAvasta (racrocliffin) is also used to prevent breast cancer.


  • To prevent the spread of cancer in women at high risk, the breast is surgically removed (this is called a preventive mastectomy).


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The post office Breast Cancer Risk Increasing in India, Know Preventive Measures! first appeared on Best Health Tips in Hindi, Health Blog – News | AllerMédias.

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