Calcium deficiency causes maximum pain in this part of the body, know how to avoid it

Calcium is very important to keep our body strong and healthy. It is especially beneficial for our bones. If there is a deficiency of calcium in the body, its greatest impact is felt on the bones, which can cause pain and bone weakness. Let us know which part causes the most pain due to calcium deficiency and how it can be avoided.

Which part is most affected?
When there is a calcium deficiency in the body, the pain first starts in the bones. The most common problem is especially pain in the waist, knees, and hips. Due to calcium deficiency, the bones become weak, which leads to pain. Apart from this, calcium deficiency can also cause muscle tension, cramps, and weakness.

How to avoid calcium deficiency?

  • Adopt a diet rich in calcium: To avoid calcium deficiency, you need to include calcium-rich foods in your diet. Milk, yogurt, cheese, and green leafy vegetables like spinach, broccoli, and almonds are good sources. Eating all these things daily will keep your bones strong.
  • Vitamin D is essential: Vitamin D helps in absorbing calcium. Therefore, spend some time in the sun every day as sunlight is the best source of vitamin D. Apart from this, also consume eggs, fish and foods rich in vitamin D.
  • Exercise daily: Regular exercise strengthens your bones. Walking, running and strength training are great for your bones. This reduces the problem of bone pain and keeps you fit.
  • Avoid caffeine and carbonated drinks: Drinking too much caffeine and carbonated drinks can cause calcium deficiency in the body. Therefore, reduce their consumption and include healthy drinks like coconut water or fresh fruit juices in your diet.
  • Take supplements: If you do not get enough calcium from your diet, you can take calcium supplements as advised by your doctor. This will provide the necessary nutrition to your bones and you can avoid calcium deficiency.

important things
It is very important to identify calcium deficiency in time and avoid it. By adopting a proper diet, daily exercise and a good lifestyle, you can keep your bones healthy and strong. This will not only reduce bone pain but also keep you healthy for a long time.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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