Can cataract be cured even without surgery? Know what the truth is

Can cataract be cured even without surgery? So the answer is “no”. There is no way to cure cataracts without surgery. However, some non-surgical options can help control cataracts in their early stages. There are non-surgical home remedies such as: Use bright lights, anti-glare sunglasses and lens glasses. Cataracts can be controlled with the use of prescription glasses or contact lenses.

Cataract cannot be cured without surgery?

Cataract cannot be cured without surgery. But to control this, you can help by doing things like changing your lifestyle. Like having a healthy diet, exercising daily and if you are diabetic or suffer from cataracts, it is very important to take care of certain things during the operation. Indeed, during cataract surgery, an ophthalmologist removes the cloudy lens and replaces it with an artificial lens. This is called an intraocular lens (IOL). Cataract surgery is very safe and 9 out of 10 people who have it see better afterward.

Cataracts usually develop gradually, but the timing of their development can be different for everyone. Its symptoms differ from person to person. In such a situation, you must consult a doctor as soon as you notice the symptoms of cataract, otherwise you may lose your vision.

Cataract means clouding of the lens. With age, the proteins present in the lens. the crystallins mix with each other. Together they form cataracts. This vision loss can also affect a person’s daily activities. As the cataract progresses over time, the lens becomes cloudier. This can weaken a person’s vision. Besides age, there is a risk of vision loss due to diabetes, smoking, alcohol, prolonged exposure to the sun and medication use.

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Problems caused by cataract p>

As the cataract increases, vision becomes weak and it becomes difficult to perform work. Although age is the main cause of cataracts, diabetes, alcohol, smoking, spending too much time in the sun, and taking medications can also cause this problem.

When does cataract occur?

Cataracts can get worse over time. If this is not taken into account, serious vision problems and even blindness can occur. In such a situation, as soon as its symptoms appear, you should immediately consult an ophthalmologist and get it tested. Delaying surgery can make the operation difficult and recovery may be slow. If you wait for the cataract to mature, it can cause serious damage.

Main symptoms of cataract

1. Blurry eyes

2. Inability to see properly even in low light conditions

3. Sensitivity to bright light

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4. Difficulty seeing clearly

5. Color appearing pale or pale

Disclaimer: Some information provided in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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