Can excessive junk food make your child blind forever? Know how bad it is for the body

Whether it’s a weekend or a house party, children, old people and young people are all ahead when it comes to junk food. But today we are going to tell you one such incident after hearing which you will definitely be afraid for a moment after seeing junk food. According to the report published in the ‘Times of India’, an 8-year-old boy living in Malaysia completely lost his eyesight while studying in his class. After which, the school people admitted him to the hospital. Numerous medical examinations were carried out. It was revealed that due to poor lifestyle and eating habits, his body suffered from severe vitamin A deficiency. This was the reason why he suddenly lost his eyesight.

Why is vitamin A so important for the eyes?

The child underwent several medical examinations which revealed that he suffered from optic neuropathy. Vitamin A is very important for the overall health of a child or any person. When the child’s parents discussed it, it was revealed that the patient had not eaten anything other than chicken since childhood. He ate chicken nuggets, sausages and biscuits most of the time. Because of this, there was a serious vitamin A deficiency in his body. And this is the reason why he suffered from a serious disease like optic nerve. For your information, let us tell you that vitamin A is very beneficial in improving eyes, retina, cornea, skin pigmentation, night blindness and eyesight.

Why is junk food dangerous for our overall health?

Junk food affects mental health

Junk food, i.e. ultra-processed foods, seriously affects the brain. However, more research is still needed on this topic. This research did not prove a link between consumption of ultra-processed foods and the risk of cognitive decline or stroke, but it highlights the importance of a healthy diet for brain health as we are getting older.

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Risk of stroke increases

In this research, the risk of stroke increased by up to 8 percent due to excessive consumption of ultra-processed foods. The study also found that the less such things are consumed, the risk of damage to thinking ability can be reduced by 12 percent and the risk of stroke can be reduced by 9 percent.

What are ultra-processed foods?

Things that have been over-processed. Foods that contain additives to enhance flavor are called ultra-processed foods. They are low in fiber, vitamins, protein and minerals and full of sugar, sodium and saturated fat. Things like chips, soda, energy drinks, bacon, sausage, chicken nuggets, instant soup mix, ketchup are included.

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A child’s future should be full of nutrition

What are parents not doing for their child’s good future? House, bungalow, car, good education, school, college, clothes, environment takes care of everything. But parents don’t take as much care as they should about their child’s diet. It is also the responsibility of parents to meet the nutritional needs of the child for a healthy future. So that they can be protected from any serious health problems in the future.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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