Can genetic diseases be passed on to a child even through IVF?

Every couple dreams of hearing children’s laughter in their home. But quite often, due to mental and physical problems, many couples remain deprived of this happiness. In such situations, couples often resort to in vitro fertilization (IVF)."text alignment: justify;">Thanks to IVF, thousands of infertile couples have been able to have children. Changes are taking place in this technology every day. Now you can also find out before birth whether the child has a genetic disease. To avoid this, you can also do a genetic test. This test plays an important role in IVF. It also indicates which diseases the child might suffer from in the future and which diseases he might not suffer from.

What happens in case of genetic disease?

Genetic disorders are diseases that appear abnormal in a person’s DNA. These diseases can range from a single gene mutation to the complexity of chromosomes. Diseases related to normal genetic disorders, such as cystic fibrosis, Huntington’s disease, and sickle cell disease, can occur. An autosomal dominant disorder, an autosomal recessive disorder, and an X-linked disorder can also occur in this disease.

IVF due to genetic disease

Genetic disorders can also affect your IVF. Couples who are prone to this disease. They can be saved from this disease by having a child through IVF.

Genetic counseling

Genetic disorders are a serious disease. When a couple undergoes IVF, genetic counseling is offered to these couples. The child is thus made aware of diseases of genetic origin. Complete information about this is given to the parents of the child. This will therefore help them decide whether or not they want to continue with the pregnancy.

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Career selection

Before starting the IVF process, carrier screening is done for couples so that they can know what diseases the couple is suffering from. Both parents should have a career.

Disclaimer: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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