Can HIV be contracted by having more than one relationship despite using condoms? This is the answer

There are male and female condoms. Which are effective when used correctly. External condom is the commonly used condom by most people these days. While internal condoms are such that they are inserted inside the vagina. The lubricant found in condoms. It protects from many serious diseases including unwanted pregnancy and HIV.

HIV can occur despite condom use

Regarding the question, despite using condoms, having physical intercourse with more than one partner can lead to a risk of contracting HIV. So the answer is yes, it can happen. In fact, the risk of HIV infection increases with multiple exposures, even if you use a condom.

HIV occurs for these reasons

For example, if a woman has unprotected sex with an HIV-positive man 100 times, her overall risk of HIV infection will increase by about 10%. However, consistent condom use can reduce the risk of HIV infection, but it does not eliminate it. Other factors that increase the risk of HIV infection include.

The only 100% effective way to prevent serious diseases like HIV and STIs is to control yourself. Using latex male or female condoms can significantly reduce, but not completely eliminate, the risk of HIV and STI transmission.

Condoms remain an essential and effective tool for preventing HIV, other sexually transmitted infections and unintended pregnancies. Condom use is considered an important means of reducing HIV infection globally. A modelling study examining the impact of past and future condom use on the AIDS epidemic in 77 high-burden countries found that increased condom use since 1990 has averted an estimated 117 million new HIV infections. Nearly half (47%) of these are in sub-Saharan Africa and more than a third (37%) are in Asia and the Pacific. In addition, the use of contraceptives, including condoms, is estimated to avert more than 300 million unintended pregnancies each year.

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