Chronic Kidney Disease – Know its Main Causes, Symptoms and Treatments. AllerMedia

Among kidney diseases, chronic kidney disease is a very serious disease, because no medicine is yet available to cure this disease. For several years, the number of patients suffering from this disease has been increasing. Kidney diseases affect one in ten people.



These can be the main causes of kidney disease


diabetes, High blood pressure All these diseases (hypertension), stones etc. are the main culprits. There can be many other causes that lead to kidney damage but diabetes and high blood pressure (hypertension) are the two main ones. So let us tell you about the main causes of chronic kidney disease.




Today, diabetes has become a common problem. Diabetes is the most common cause of chronic kidney disease. Diabetes gradually reduces your kidney function. And the high amount of sugar in the kidneys blood Damages blood vessels, causing chronic kidney disease.


high blood pressure (hypertension)


Another common cause of chronic kidney failure is high blood pressure, which is hypertension Also known as. High blood pressure affects the functioning of the kidneys. Even if kidney problems are caused by another reason, high blood pressure makes them worse.


narrowed renal artery


The renal artery plays an important role in carrying out all the functions of the kidney. In addition, it also ensures the transport of blood to the kidneys. compressed like this kidney Arteries can cause serious problems. This is one of the common causes of chronic kidney problems.


Drugs and toxins


Prolonged use of medications and chemicals can damage your kidneys, preventing them from functioning properly and Body It is also very harmful to.




With a puff of a cigarette you Tension Even if you forget it for a while, this habit is very dangerous for many parts of the body. smoker, lungs And it is very dangerous not only for the heart but also for the kidneys. Smoking affects the kidneys to such an extent that they can even stop working. And for this reason, it causes chronic kidney disease.

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kidney function blood It is used to filter toxic substances. But alcohol can interfere with the kidneys’ ability to filter blood and lead to loss of electrolytes and electrolytes. Water Of balance This makes it abnormal. Due to which kidney disease occurs.


excessive sodium consumption


Sodium directly affects the kidneys, as it helps maintain blood pressure. And consuming too much sodium promotes high blood pressure. Therefore, it is said that if we have kidney problems, we should not consume foods rich in sodium.


Canned foods, chips, fast foods, frozen meals, processed cheese slices, salt, processed meats, spicy foods, and ketchup are all foods high in sodium.



Symptoms of Chronic Kidney Disease


Symptoms of chronic kidney disease vary depending on the severity of kidney damage. CKD It is divided into five stages. It is divided according to kidney function or eGFR level. eGFR is estimated by the amount of creatinine present in the blood. Normally, eGFR is greater than 90 ml/min.



MRC first stage of


In the first stage of chronic renal failure, kidney function is 90-100%. In this situation, the eGFR remains above 90 ml/min. At this stage, patients do not begin to experience any symptoms.


At this stage, Urine Abnormalities may occur – such as protein in the urine. CKD can be diagnosed by CT scan or ultrasound. A disease called is detected.



MRC second stage of


In this eGFR, it is 60 to 89 ml/min. No symptoms of any kind are found in these patients. But some patients scene I am starting to have complaints like frequent urination at night or high blood pressure etc.

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In patients with chronic renal failure Blood The pressure can increase considerably.



MRC third stage of


In this eGFR, it is 30 to 59 ml/min. Patients can often be examined without any symptoms or even with mild symptoms. There may be abnormalities in their urine test and a slight increase in serum creatinine in their blood test.



MRC fourth stage of


In the fourth stage of chronic kidney disease, eGFR or kidney function may decrease by 15 to 29 ml/min. Symptoms begin to appear at this stage. It depends on the cause of kidney disease.



MRC fifth stage of


At this stage, kidney function is reduced by 15%. This stage is very serious. It is also called the last stage of kidney disease.


In such a situation, the patient needs dialysis or Kidney transplant may be required. At this stage, symptoms become clearly visible in patients and the danger to their lives increases further.



Common Symptoms of End-Stage Renal Disease


Symptoms and severity of kidney failure are different in each patient. Symptoms found at this stage of the disease-


  • nausea,



  • feet swelling in the lower part,


  • feeling tired after doing little work,


  • shortness of breath,


  • loss of appetite,


  • Back lower back pain,


  • frequent urination at night,


  • have problems sleeping,


  • Irregularities in women’s menstruation,


  • Bone pain is the main symptom of most patients with chronic kidney failure.



Patients with chronic kidney failure should take care of these things


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  • stop smoking,



  • balance diet Take,



  • Keep the salt amount low,


  • Do not consume tobacco, gutkha and alcohol,


  • Continue to meet with the nephrologist from time to time and continue to do tests,


  • Medicines that are harmful to the kidneys, such as antibiotics and painkillers, should not be used.


  • If you are suffering from any diseases like diarrhea, vomiting, malaria, sepsis etc. then you should seek immediate treatment.


  • Diseases that directly damage the kidneys, such as rocks, If you have a urinary tract infection, see a doctor immediately.



There are three types of treatment for chronic kidney disease.



  • medicine and nutrition


  • dialysis


  • kidney transplant


In the early stages of chronic kidney failure, when the kidneys have not been severely damaged, the disease can be treated with medications and dietary restrictions.


Due to severe damage to both kidneys, their functionality decreases, patients then have to undergo dialysis and many of them undergo kidney transplantation.


To prevent kidney damage, take medications as advised by your doctor. To control high blood pressure, only a kidney specialist – a nephrologist or a physician – should take the medications prescribed by him. In case of chronic kidney failure, taking care of your eating habits can prevent kidney damage.




If you are facing any problem related to this issue and want to get its treatment, you can contact us. To contact us use our WhatsApp number (+919599004311) Or send us an email at [email protected].

The post office Chronic Kidney Disease – Know Its Main Causes, Symptoms and Treatment first appeared on Best Health Tips in Hindi, Health Blog – News | AllerMédias.

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