Coughing Loudly During a Heart Attack Can Save Your Life, Is There Really Any Truth in This?

Heart attack: Heart attacks often prove fatal. In case of a heart attack, doctors advise to give first aid to the patient and take him to the hospital immediately. If observed, the patient can get some relief on the spot with CPR and first aid, but it becomes necessary to take him to the hospital. For the past few days, a post has been going viral on social media (viral post on herat attack) in which it is said that in case of a heart attack, the patient can save his life by coughing vigorously.

This process has also been called cough CPR (cough CPR is authentic). But is it really true? If it is true, what do doctors say about it? Let us know how true this claim made on social media about a heart attack is.

Can a vigorous cough save your life from a heart attack?

Certainly not. This is a false and misleading statement. Doctors say that there is no such thing as cough CPR. During a heart attack, the patient’s life cannot be saved by coughing vigorously. Rapid breathing cannot be of any benefit either. Doctors say that there is no medical term like cough CPR through which the patient’s life can be saved.

Let us tell you that in the said viral message, it was said that if there is any pain in the chest or jaw, then it could be a heart attack. Meanwhile, if no one is present to get help, the person should cough vigorously and take a deep breath. By doing this, the lungs will get oxygen and lives can be saved.

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What to do in case of a heart attack?
Let us tell you that before this, there was another viral post on social media in which it was said that eating ginger can save lives in case of a heart attack. Doctors advise not to blindly trust such claims. Heart attack is a serious condition. Meanwhile, before believing and following what is heard, the patient should undergo CPR by a qualified person and if possible, he should be immediately rushed to the hospital.

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