Dark circles have spoiled the beauty of the face. Apply this thing mixed with milk.

Mask For Dark Circle: Dark circle is such a problem that both men and women are troubled by. Sometimes the problem of dark circles is due to lack of sleep, drinking less water, dehydration and staying on the screen for a long time. This is not a disease, but when it occurs under the eyes, the beauty of the face goes away. Dark circles around the eyes can stain your beauty. By the way, there are many creams to get rid of dark circles in the market. But it also has side effects and does not even allow pocket to buy it. In such a situation, you can remove dark circles by adopting some home remedies. One of those remedies is coffee and milk. It removes dark circles and also brings back the lost glow of the eyes.


  • green tea a bag
  • coffee spoon
  • raw milk one to one and a half teaspoon
  • Vitamin E Capsule 2 Pieces

how to make mask

First of all, take out a green tea in a bowl.

Add one teaspoon of coffee and one teaspoon of raw milk to green tea.

After this, mix the gel of Vitamin E capsule in it.

Now after cleaning the eyes with water, apply a mask of milk and coffee.

Leave this mask on the eyes for 15 minutes.

Now clean the mask while massaging in circular motion.

To remove dark circles, apply this mask daily for 3 to 4 days.

Benefits of applying coffee and milk mask

1.This mask helps in keeping the skin around the eyes hydrated. Using it regularly increases the glow of the skin around the eyes.

2.If wrinkles and fine lines are seen around the eyes, then to get rid of them, apply a mask made of milk and coffee. It helps in removing wrinkles.

3.Coffee is a natural antioxidant. It helps in making the skin tight.

4.With increasing age, people whose skin near the eyes starts hanging, then this mask can be very beneficial for those people.

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