Depression can be cured not by medicine and therapy, but by proper diet and exercise – Research

Nowadays, depression has become such a problem that around 5.7 million people suffer from it in India alone. Moreover, many people lose their lives due to this disease and even commit suicide. A problem like depression is not visible, but it gradually digs into the human body.

As long as people experience depression and anxiety. By then it is too late. In its treatment, after consulting a psychologist, therapy and antidepressant drugs are administered, which help to get out of depression.

As long as people experience depression and anxiety. By then it is too late. In its treatment, after consulting a psychologist, therapy and antidepressant drugs are administered, which help to get out of depression.

Recently, research has revealed that depression can be reduced to a large extent through better diet and exercise.

Recently, research has revealed that depression can be reduced to a large extent through better diet and exercise.

Research conducted by the Food and Mood Centre at Deakin University in Australia has claimed that changing lifestyle can be helpful in combating depression. In fact, in this research, 182 people suffering from depression were selected. These participants followed a balanced diet and exercised following the guidelines given by a dietitian and an exercise psychologist for 8 weeks, which yielded positive results and helped reduce depression.

Research conducted by the Food and Mood Centre at Deakin University in Australia has claimed that changing lifestyle can be helpful in combating depression. In fact, in this research, 182 people suffering from depression were selected. These participants followed a balanced diet and exercised following the guidelines given by a dietitian and an exercise psychologist for 8 weeks, which yielded positive results and helped reduce depression.

According to experts, the results of this research showed that an improvement in the mental state of the participants was observed already in the initial phase. Participants who focused on their diet and exercises saw their scores drop by 42%, while patients who underwent mental therapy saw their scores drop by 37%. In such a situation, experts believe that in order to reduce depression, it is very important to have a healthy diet, and meditation training is also important.

According to experts, the results of this research showed that an improvement in the mental state of the participants was observed already in the initial phase. Participants who focused on their diet and exercises saw their scores drop by 42%, while patients who underwent mental therapy saw their scores drop by 37%. In such a situation, experts believe that in order to reduce depression, it is very important to have a healthy diet, and meditation training is also important.

Published: 07 Aug 2024 19:26 (IST)

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