Do the poor die more from cancer than the rich? Know what the truth is

Are the poor more exposed to cancer than the rich? This is a complete myth because anyone can get cancer. Cancer occurs in any person for many reasons. It is widely believed that people with lower incomes are more susceptible to disease than those with more money. However, certain types of cancer are diagnosed more often in people with higher socioeconomic status. A new study recently conducted at the University of Helsinki in Finland examined the relationship between socioeconomic status and several diseases.

Research has shown that rich people are genetically at higher risk of cancer than poor people. Wealthy people have a higher genetic risk of breast, prostate and other types of cancer, according to research. In a recent report in Iranian J Public Health, Dr. Parsa of the Bethesda National Institute of Health said that the environment is one of the causes of cancer in humans.

The author talked about many environmental factors of cancer. How they can seriously disrupt cellular interactions is discussed. In addition to all other causes, environmental exposure has been linked to many causal factors of various human cancers. Apart from this, the environmental factors identified by Dr. Parsa in his article. Apart from this, poverty is also one of the biggest health risks and a major carcinogen. Dr. Samuel Broder, director of the National Cancer Institute. Poverty is a carcinogen, a cancer-causing agent.

Health services do not adequately reach the poor

Poor people often struggle to access quality health care. And we face barriers to getting and paying for health insurance.

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socio-economic status
Consumption of fruits and vegetables may be low due to low socio-economic status. Due to which the risk of gastrointestinal cancer may increase.

environmental factors
Poor people are more likely to be exposed to environmental factors that can cause cancer. For example, poor people suffer from cancers due to tobacco use, sun exposure and excessive alcohol consumption.

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Due to lack of money, no proper treatment is available.
Food insecurity is a powerful mediator of the relationship between income and cancer mortality.

quality of medical care
Quality of care is a powerful mediator of the relationship between income and cancer mortality

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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