Do this exercise during pregnancy

Due to today’s poor lifestyle and eating habits, the rate of normal childbirth is decreasing. During a normal childbirth, the woman recovers quickly. And there are fewer problems in the body. A normal childbirth is good for health. Therefore, the body must be prepared for a normal childbirth. For this, we will tell you about the benefits of exercising during pregnancy in this article.

The body must be prepared for normal childbirth.

Through this article, we will tell you when to exercise during pregnancy? How many hours should you exercise? For your information, let us tell you that you can exercise comfortably even in the third month of pregnancy. Apart from this, you can also exercise at the beginning of 7 months. Counted from the beginning of the month until delivery. Before a normal delivery, you need to prepare your body. Exercise is very important for this. In many cases, exercising during pregnancy is very risky. Whenever you exercise during pregnancy, do not do it alone, do it only on the advice of the doctor. Because the risk increases significantly.

Squatter: It is much better in normal delivery. By doing this exercise, the pelvic muscles become flexible. Due to which normal delivery takes place. To perform this exercise, you can also lean on the wall. Keeping your hands straight, stand with your legs apart. Try to sit with your hips in the air. Do this daily for 10 minutes.

Kegel: Kegel exercise is the best exercise for normal delivery. It makes the pelvic muscles flexible. Also reduces stress during pregnancy. For this, sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Hold the urine pressure for some time. Try to stay there for 3-5 seconds.

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Butterfly: Butterfly pose is called Titli Asana. It also keeps the pelvic muscles strong. Which is good for normal delivery. For this, first sit on the floor and join the toes of both feet. You can do this asana for 10 minutes.

Yoga and meditation: People become mentally strong through yoga and meditation. It works to relax the mind. It also reduces stress. It cures back pain and anxiety.

Walking: Women who are in the third month of pregnancy should walk for half an hour. This strengthens their muscles. In many cases, a doctor’s advice should be followed. Because exercise should not be done at high risk. Because it can be dangerous.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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