Do you also consider bottled water to be safe? This scientific research will disrupt your sleep

Research in recent years has found that on average, 240,000 plastic particles are found in a one-liter bottle of water. This is a very worrying figure, because one liter of tap water contains on average 5.5 plastic particles. Nanoplastics have been linked to problems such as cancer, birth defects and reproduction. Nanoplastics are dangerous because of their small size, which allows them to penetrate directly into blood cells and the brain.

The plastics used to make the bottles typically contain phthalates, which have been linked to various health problems. According to the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences, phthalates are “linked to developmental, reproductive, brain, immune and other problems.” A type of nylon called polyamide was another plastic particle found in water bottles.

A recent study made a shocking revelation. There are approximately 2,40,000 pieces of plastic in a liter water bottle. If you drink water from a normal 1 liter water bottle, you may be drinking pieces of plastic. You can also inhale plastic particles.

Why is drinking water from plastic bottles harmful?
Due to our poor lifestyle, we use a lot of plastic in our daily life. Whether at home or in the office, we like to drink water from plastic bottles. If you also do this, be careful because a slow poison enters your body.

An institute called the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences made a frightening revelation in a study. In which it is said that around 2.40 lakh fine pieces of plastic are present in a liter of bottled water, which can cause serious and deadly health hazards (harmful effects of bottled water) .
According to an organization called Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, drinking water from plastic bottles can cause many serious, life-threatening illnesses.

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what is research
According to recent research, more than 100,000 nanoplastics have been discovered in bottled water. These are particles so small that they can even impair blood circulation. It also damages the brain and cells.

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Does drinking water from plastic bottles increase the risk of these diseases?

Diabetes and heart disease
Water from polycarbonate bottles contains bisphenol A, a chemical that, when it enters the body, can increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes, according to a study from the Harvard School of Public Health.

Also read: Eating foods containing preservatives can cause many types of nerve diseases, according to the opinion of health experts.

cancer risk
According to experts, drinking water from plastic bottles increases the risk of serious diseases like cancer. This increases the risk of breast and brain cancer. Avoid eating hot foods stored in plastic utensils.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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