Do you also drink tea and coffee from paper cups? The poison slowly dissolves in the body

Disadvantages of paper cups for health: Drinking tea is very pleasant in winter. Some people drink coffee instead of tea. Many people drink tea and coffee at home covered with quilts. There are so many people outside the house. People there usually receive tea in disposable paper cups.

But do you know that we drink tea or coffee in disposable cups. It is therefore quite dangerous for health. Many health experts believe that it has a very detrimental effect on your health. Drinking tea or coffee from disposable cups is like drinking slow poison. Let us tell you what are its complete side effects.

Drinking tea and coffee from paper cups is dangerous

If you drink tea-coffee in paper cups. Then this news is for you. Generally, no liquid remains in a paper cup. Therefore, an extra thin layer is applied in the paper cups for waterproofing. This layer is a very thin layer of plastic. These are called microplastics. These microplastics are very dangerous for health.

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When pouring tea, coffee or any other hot beverage into a paper cup. Very small particles come out of this thin layer of plastic, i.e. microplastic. .They are so small that you won’t be able to see them with the naked eye. For this you will need a microscope. These substances begin to dissolve in the tea-coffee present in the cup. There is a risk of cancer because of this.

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There are so many microplastics in a cup

If you stay outside for a long time. And you drink a lot of tea and coffee from paper cups. So let us tell you that it can have a very bad effect on your health. The microplastic present in paper cups is very dangerous for your health. According to one study, a paper cup contains around 20,000 to 25,000 small microplastic particles. This can cause a hormonal imbalance in your body. At the same time, it also causes fatal diseases like cancer.

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