Do you get drinking water relief when the heart attack arrives? Learn what is the truth of that

During the heart attack, doctors do not allow the person to have water or any type of food. Because for this reason, other types of problems can also start. In the event of a heart attack, doctors first advise to admit in the emergency service. So that the life of the patient can be saved over time.

Due to advice not to give water:

Risk of aspiration: If the person has serious symptoms or is unconscious, there is a risk of suffocation or aspiration (take food or take liquid in the lungs).

Medical Protocol: Health professionals may need to carry out procedures that require an empty stomach, such as surgery or certain drugs.

Pay attention to emergency care: Instead of giving something direct medication, it is necessary to emphasize that to provide medical help to the person as soon as possible.

Drinking water during a heart attack is not dangerous, but you should immediately call emergency services. Eating and drinking during a heart attack is generally prohibited because it can cause vomiting, which can cause suffocation.

Hydration: Staying hydrated can help reduce the risk of heart failure. However, people with heart disease is often advised to limit the supply of liquid to prevent the construction of an excess of liquid, which can exert pressure on the heart.

Heart crisis symptoms: Most people who have a heart attack are not hungry or don’t want to eat.

Emergency services: If you suspect that someone has a heart attack, immediately call the emergency services.

Eat these foods to keep your heart healthy

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Do not drink savory foods and colorful drinks.

Limit caffeine drinks such as coffee, tea and soda.

Drink drinks without coffee such as water, milk or juice

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Chewing gum without sugar or sucking sugar -free hard candies

Eat cold or frozen fruits like grapes or strawberries

Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned.

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