Do you know what the effect is on your body when bad cholesterol increases?

Cholesterol is an element found in your blood. It is a wax-like substance that contributes to the formation of healthy cells, vitamins and other hormones. Cholesterol plays an important role in your body unless there is too much of it. There are two types of cholesterol, good cholesterol and bad cholesterol.

Good cholesterol, also known as high-density lipoprotein (HDL). Helps transport bad cholesterol from the arteries to the liver. Where bad cholesterol is broken down and ultimately eliminated from the body. On the other hand, bad cholesterol is also known as low-density lipoprotein (LDL). It builds up in the arteries, increasing the risk of heart attacks, heart disease and other illnesses.

It is very important to maintain a balance between HDL and LDL. When the amount of LDL increases, it can affect your health. Here’s what happens when your LDL level is high. So what will happen to your body?

HDL cholesterol is good for heart health

When LDL increases in the body, it can clog your arteries. Due to which your arteries become hard. This is called atherosclerosis. Blood circulation becomes difficult. This causes chest pain called angina. This is a sign of an impending heart attack. However, a heart attack or stroke occurs when some of the cholesterol buildup breaks away and forms a clot that blocks an artery.

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Cholesterol is good for estrogen

Cholesterol is used by the body to make hormones like estrogen, testosterone and cortisol. Studies show that when estrogen levels increase in the body. So this increases the HDL level and reduces the LDL level. This explains why women are at increased risk of heart disease after menopause.

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When thyroid hormone production decreases, it can increase LDL cholesterol levels. When your LDL cholesterol level is high. This can therefore cause a stroke which can damage parts of the brain. High cholesterol levels can also reduce memory and mental functions. Cholesterol contributes to the production of bile. When your bile has high cholesterol levels, crystals and stones can form in your gallbladder.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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