Do you throw the leaves that come with the radish in the trash? Know their advantages

As soon as winter arrives, the entire market is filled with green leafy vegetables. People like to eat green spinach, red spinach, mustard leaves, fenugreek leaves and bathua. But people often throw away radish leaves considering them useless. But for your information, let us tell you that radish leaves are full of many properties. It contains many nutrients that are very beneficial for the body. Radish should absolutely be eaten in winter, but you should also eat its leaves. Because it is rich in nutrients.

These properties are found in radish leaves

Radish leaves contain fiber, iron, calcium, phosphorus, folic acid, vitamins A, C, B9, sodium, magnesium, chlorine and carbohydrates. Eating that will save your life from many chronic diseases. Apart from this, if you eat radish regularly, you will be completely safe from hemorrhoids, high blood sugar, heart diseases, diabetes, etc. According to the report published in Times of India, its leaves contain more nutrients than radish and hence should be consumed.

People consume a lot of green leafy vegetables during the cold season. People also eat a lot of radish pickles, especially in winter. Most radish leaves are thrown into salad or while preparing pickles, but do you know that radish leaves have natural properties. Which protects you from many types of diseases. Eating bhurji made from radish leaves also helps control blood sugar levels. These leaves contain an abundance of vitamins A, B1, B6, phosphorus and potassium which provide many benefits to the body. So quickly let us know in which easy way you can prepare radish bhurji at home.

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Benefit for the liver and kidneys

Radish is a natural detoxifier that cleanses the liver and kidneys by removing toxic substances from the body. If someone has jaundice, radish is a panacea for him.

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Blood pressure and diabetes control

Potassium is found in radish, which controls blood pressure and improves heart health. It also has a very low glycemic index, which helps control blood sugar levels. It is considered beneficial for diabetic patients.

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beneficial for the skin

Radish is rich in antioxidants and water, which helps keep skin hydrated. This makes the skin clean and glowing. By eating this, acne and blemish problems can also be cured.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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