Do you understand your child well? 1 out of every 7 children is a victim of low mood, know how

Childhood Issues: Low mood and depression are such problems, which are also faced by children. Generally, it is thought about the children that what is the concern of these small children, which will cause them depression. but it’s not like that. Because the cause of depression is not only the stress of career and household. Rather, there are many other reasons related to lack of emotional security, not getting proper attention from parents or exploitation, which become the cause of depression in children.

You will be surprised to know that according to a report of ‘Depression in Children and Adolescents: A Review of Indian Studies’, one out of every 7 Indian children is suffering from lack of motivation, low mood and initial symptoms of depression. The worse thing is that in about 97 percent of the cases parents do not pay attention to this, which has a bad effect on the personality, behavior and mental health of the child.

from toddlers to teenagers

  • About 6 percent of the entire population of our country are children. Among these, one out of every 4 children in the age group of 13 to 15 years is going through depressive moods. This is the age when the child is learning things like world, relationships, society, own-stranger, right-wrong in a big way. In such a situation, if he does not get the right path due to depression, then he can go astray.

Why does depression happen in children?

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  • The causes of depression are internal as well as external. Many health problems also cause hormonal imbalance in the body in such a way that the person first becomes in the grip of anxiety and then depression.
  • Conscious and unconscious thought patterns are also one of the causes of depression in internal causes. When negative thoughts keep coming continuously, then the confidence level of the children starts going down.
  • While external reasons include socio-economic, being ignored, not getting parental attention, being a victim of bullying, physical, mental or emotional abuse.

Symptoms of Depression in Children

  • rapid weight gain or rapid weight loss
  • lack of energy and feeling tired all the time
  • insomnia or excessive sleepiness
  • lack of confidence and feeling worthless
  • not feeling happy even when something good happens
  • throw things in anger
  • cry out loud with thick tears
  • staying away from family and friends
  • self-harm or hurting others
  • having or talking about suicidal thoughts

how to save child from depression

  • treat baby with love
  • Make the child feel that you are with him in every situation
  • Involve the child in physical activities
  • Give time to the child, talk with him, play games or take him for a walk together
  • Meet with your child’s teachers and get learning feedback
  • Treat the child with love after punishing him for a mistake and after the punishment is over
  • Do not scold the child repeatedly for any mistake or make him feel bad
  • When the child is going through an emotionally difficult situation, give him courage and tell him motivational stories.

Disclaimer: Take the methods, methods and claims mentioned in this article only as suggestions, ABP News does not confirm them. Before implementing any such treatment/medicine/diet and suggestion, please consult a doctor or related expert.

Read also: That’s why children throw tantrums, you have to understand this psychology

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