Does excessive sun exposure increase the risk of cancer? Know what the truth is

Ultraviolet rays come from the sun and cause a lot of damage to skin tissues and cells. This can sometimes cause cancer. UV rays can reach you on cloudy, cool days and pass through surfaces like water, cement, sand and snow. Sunburn and excessive exposure to the sun cause a lot of damage to the skin. Due to which the risk of skin cancer increases.

Staying in the sun too long can also lead to aging problems. Some people are at higher risk of developing skin cancer, including those who burn more easily, have weakened immune systems, or have a personal or family history of skin cancer. Limit time spent in the sun. Especially from mid-morning to late afternoon. Apply sunscreen to exposed skin 30 minutes before going outside, then every two hours or after swimming or sweating.

Anyone can get skin cancer. Some people may be at greater risk. Including those that burn more easily. It’s important to remember that skin damage doesn’t just happen during vacations or hot, sunny days. You can’t know if you’re at risk of skin damage and sunburn from outside temperatures. This is because you don’t feel UV rays. The warmth you feel from the sun. This is a different type of ray. What we call infrared.

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The UV index can tell you how intense the sun’s UV rays are each day. If the UV index is 3 (moderate) or higher, you should consider protecting your skin from the sun. Although too much UV rays can damage the skin, a little sunshine can help our bodies produce the vitamin D needed for healthy bones, for example.

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How much sun is needed for this? It’s different for each person. But regardless of your skin color, you don’t have to sunbathe or risk a sunburn to get vitamin D. Sunburn is damage to the skin and your body responds to try to repair it. This is a clear sign that the DNA in your skin cells has been damaged by too much UV rays. Getting sunburned once doesn’t mean you’ll definitely get skin cancer. But the more frequent the sunburns, the higher the risk of skin cancer.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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