Does the formation of a lump in the stomach or intestine mean cancer? Know the correct answer

Lump in the stomach and intestine : The risk of cancer is increasing rapidly. Every year, a large number of people around the world die from cancer. By identifying cancer at the right time, its treatment is also possible. Often people consider the formation of a lump in the stomach or intestine to be cancer, but this is not entirely accurate because the formation of a lump in the stomach or intestine does not does not always mean cancer. There may be several reasons for this. Let us know what are the reasons for the formation of lumps in the stomach and intestines and what types of problems it can cause.

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Causes of mass formation in the stomach or intestine

1. Gastric polyps

Stomach polyps are bumps in the stomach that usually cause no harm. Gastric polyps are a type of mass in the stomach that forms on the lining of the stomach. These bumps can turn into cancer in some cases.

Cancer can be one of the causes of lumps forming in the stomach or intestine, but it is not the only cause. Lumps in the intestines and stomach due to cancer can be a serious problem. These lumps usually form slowly and have no symptoms at first.

3. Hernia

When the abdominal wall weakens, part of the intestine or other soft tissue comes out. Due to which lumps may form in the stomach or intestine. The hernia can cause pressure on the lining of the stomach or intestine, causing lumps to form.

4. Liver enlargement

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5. Ovarian cyst

Ovarian cyst is a problem in which one or more cysts form in the ovaries. This problem is more common in women. There may be several reasons for this. Ovarian cyst can cause a lump to form in the stomach and intestine.

How to recognize a lump in the stomach or intestine

1. Stomach swelling

2. The stomach comes out

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