Due to these reasons, cancer is engulfing even young children, definitely recognize the symptoms

Cancer Symptoms In Child: Cancer is considered a fatal disease. The reason behind this is the lack of early diagnosis. In the beginning, no symptoms of cancer emerge and when the symptoms start appearing. By then it is too late. Doctors say that in some cases the primary symptoms of cancer are not visible, while in some they are visible. They should not be ignored under any circumstances. As soon as the symptoms appear in the child, he should be immediately taken to the doctor. It is possible that the cancer is in the first stage and the child becomes completely healthy. Let’s try to know what are the symptoms of cancer in children and what can be prevented?

What are the symptoms of cancer in children

Just as the symptoms of cancer or other diseases are seen in adults. Similarly, the symptoms of cancer also appear in children. In this, symptoms like back pain, frequent fever, weakness in bones, yellowing of the body, changes in the pupils of the eyes, feeling of a lump in the throat or stomach, loss of appetite, rapid weight loss are seen. Are.

which children are more likely

Children who are victims of Down syndrome. The chances of getting cancer in them can be very high. One more thing to note. Cancer is also genetic. That is, cancer-causing elements go from grandfather to father and father to son’s genes. If there is a family history, keep getting the child’s body checkup done from time to time. If cancer related cells are emerging then there is a possibility of their early detection. Junkfoods like pizza, burger, chowmin, french fries have also been seen as cancer causing factors. Apart from this, even if the child is less active, there is a possibility of falling prey to the disease.

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Some preventive measures can be taken

There are special proteins and nutrients in the mother’s child. It protects against cancer and other diseases. Breastfeeding should be given to the child till the age of 6 months. Due to this, the chances of getting cancer in the child are very less. A newborn or a slightly older child should not be kept in the sun. UV rays from the sun can increase the risk of skin cancer. Keep away from pollution. A child of 11 to 12 years must get the cervical cancer vaccine. Apart from this, whatever are the regular vaccines. Don’t forget to get them installed too. To keep healthy, give healthy diet to the child. But the thing to keep in mind here is that if any kind of cancer related symptoms are visible in the child, then do not delay in going to the doctor.

The statistics of cancer in children are frightening.

According to media reports, the data of the Indian Council of Medical Research has revealed that every year about 14 lakh cancer cases are found in the country. Of these, 8 lakh people lose their lives due to cancer. Out of the total cancer cases, 4 percent cases are related to children. This number has increased rapidly in Delhi. A report by AIIMS Cancer Center and AIIMS National Cancer Institute has revealed that every year 22,000 new cases of cancer are being reported in Delhi. Of these, 4 percent are related to children. Cancer has been seen more in children from 0 to 14 years.

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