Each year, around 2.80 Lakh women are in the grip of breast cancer, urban women are more threatened, their special reason is

Cancer is a fatal disease and World Cancer Day is celebrated on February 4 as an awareness day each year. However, when we talk about breast cancer, about 28 women on a Lakh women are in the grip of this disease. However, there is a difference in light data between urban and rural women."Text-Aligne: justify;"> If we are talking about urban women, 29 women on a Lakh get breast cancer each year. Lakh women living in the village, about 24 to 25 women suffer from this disease. If we speak according to the total population, then the population of India is approximately 144 crores, including even if we believe in fifty percent, there are around 74 or 75 crores of women. According to this, more than 2 Lakh 80,000 women suffer from the best cancer each year."Text-Aligne: justify;"> If you talk about all body cancer, such as brain cancer, lung cancer, stomach cancer is available in women. The reason is that it has studied in the Western world, many types of technology are available for prevention. & nbsp; Therefore, in case of breast cancer, it is more likely to be hardened."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Regarding the symptoms of breast cancer,
– The most common symptoms can be lips in the breast.

In other words, despite a normal diet, if the weight loses and hunger also decreases gradually. When breast cancer becomes advanced, such symptoms arise. But the most common is the arrival of lumps in the breast. If a woman is over 40 and has a bump in her breast, it is more likely that she has breast cancer. If the woman is under 40, the risk of breast cancer is low."Text-Aligne: justify;"> With regard to the detection of breast cancer, you must detect by self-examination, you can watch good self-examination videos from the breast of YouTube. YouTube women can understand how the breast self-examination is done. No woman should be very worried."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Do it once a month, do it every month on a fixed hour. If you have an appointment like your birthday or your birthday, check at the same time. Nothing is happening in it, we make four games on our breast."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Process:
– Make a plus on the folding of the breast at five years. To check from there, there is no bump."Text-Aligne: justify;"> In this process, around 70% of women see songs and it is known. When you check each month, the breast lumps increase, which means that it has doubled in two to three months. Today, you checked and after two to three months, she grew up, in such a situation, a doctor should consult how this bump is? There is no cancer in it and should be treated. Cannot diagnose by examining, but can catch this thing as soon as possible."Text-Aligne: justify;">

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Urban women have more cases of breast cancer in rural women less. Women living in the city get married late and children also produce less. Many women reduce breastfeeding or not. While speaking of rural women, they get married early. Children also have three to four and provide sufficient breastfeeding to children. In this case, the chances of breastfeeding decrease."Text-Aligne: justify;"> In such a situation, if a woman is very intelligent and thanks to her test, the detection of breast cancer in time or that 98% of her life will live in a healthy way."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Regarding the rescue, when the rules of women come, when it breaks, it is during pregnancy, whether it is food … in such a situation that they are protected from these things. It depends on two hormones. In such a situation, marriage should be at the right time. Children must do so and have the child nourished as much as possible. These things protect women from breast cancer. The second factor is that such problems occur during Meenuzuz or menstruation. Apart from that, smoking, not taking alcohol."Text-Aligne: justify;"> Also, do regular exercise. If someone gets breast cancer, he should consult a cancer specialist. If he is treated in time, the result will also be better and the patient will help live a normal life."Text-Aligne: justify;"> [नोट- उपरोक्त दिए गए विचार लेखक के व्यक्तिगत विचार हैं. यह ज़रूरी नहीं है कि एबीपी न्यूज़ ग्रुप इससे सहमत हो. इस लेख से जुड़े सभी दावे या आपत्ति के लिए सिर्फ लेखक ही ज़िम्मेदार है.]& nbsp;

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