Excessive itching on the scalp can be the cause of infection, learning symptoms and the prevention method

In Ayurveda, itchy heads are added to eat. In other words, what you eat can spoil the balance of vata, bile and phlegm in the body. Which causes itching on the skin of the head. Apart from that, the itching of the head can also be the reason for dandruff, a reaction of shampoo or oil or lice in the head. Several times, itching starts due to an infection in the head. Infections such as psoriasis, fungal infection, hives and atopic dermatitis on the scalp can cause too many itching. Let us know of Achaya Balakrishna and the symptoms of this serious problem and the ways to get rid of it.



skin irritation



White crust on the head


Measures to get rid of itching of the scalp

Coconut oil: Apply coconut oil when there are too many itching on the head. This will give humidity to the scalp. The dry scalp will be good and the problem of itching will also be overcome.

Apply the curd: Use yogurt to get rid of itching caused by dandruff or infection in the hair. Massage the curd on the scalp before the shampoo removes itching and illuminates the hair. Do it three to four times a week.

Onion juice: Onion juice can be used to get rid of itching of the scalp. To do this, extract the onion juice. Apply it on the scalp using cotton and leave it for 20 minutes. After that, wash the hair carefully.

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  बाहर से ज्यादा खतरनाक है घर के अंदर का पॉल्यूशन, जानिए कैसे

Neem shaft leaves: Neem leaves can be used to cure hair and skin infections. Boil water by mixing the Neem leaves and jagré leaves. Wash your hair daily with this water. This will calm itchy and hair will also be strong.

Oil: Sesame oil is also beneficial in the itching of the scalp. Massage with sesame oil eliminates itching of the scalp and dry hair. Heat the sesame oil lightly at night and the shampoo in the morning.

Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned.

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