Fat can also accumulate on your body during winter months, take care of your fitness like this

Exercising in cold weather becomes important to stay fit and avoid seasonal health problems. However, daily exercise in winter is important for your physical and mental health. A proper warm-up for winter training not only combats the cold but also keeps your body energized, flexible and ready to take on the elements.

How Does Exercising in Winter Improve Health and Burn More Calories? Exercising in winter strengthens your immune system, which helps you fight seasonal illnesses. Exercising in cold weather increases blood flow, reduces joint stiffness and prepares your muscles for strenuous activity. Plus, exercising in winter releases endorphins, which combat seasonal mood swings and promote mental health. Interestingly, your body burns more calories to maintain heat in cold weather, making winter the ideal time for effective calorie-burning exercises.

5 essential exercises for your winter fitness routine

Jumping Jack: Jumping jacks are a classic cardio warm-up exercise, perfect for getting your heart rate up and generating body heat.

How to do it: Stand with your feet together and your hands at your sides. Jump up, spread your feet wider than shoulder-width apart and raise your hands up. Jump again to return to the starting position. Repeat for 30 to 60 seconds.

Benefits : Increases cardiovascular endurance. Improves agility and coordination. Warms major muscle groups such as shoulders, calves and quadriceps. If it’s too cold, start at a slow pace, then gradually increase the speed to generate heat in your muscles.

Warming up and stretching are important

To keep the body fit and warm in winter, we need to do warm-ups and stretching. This not only keeps the body warm, but also makes it easier to perform other exercises. To stretch, move your hands and legs, move your neck, and rotate your shoulders in circles. To stay fit in cold weather, you can do light warm-ups and stretches at home. During the warm-up, you can do light jumps, leg movements, etc.

walk faster
Fitness trainer Aditi Gupta tells that brisk walking in winter puts less strain on our knees and the lower body muscles work well. Morning walking increases bone density. In addition, it also has a positive effect on mental abilities. Every person should walk at least 3 kilometers in winter.

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Take care of your diet
We need to pay particular attention to our diet in winter. Above all, avoid foods with a cold effect and eat hot foods.

Also read: If you often have a headache, be careful, this can be a dangerous illness.

take care of your skin
The skin starts to become dry in winter. This is because the air is dry in winter, which causes our skin to start becoming dry. Therefore, keep moisturizing your skin from time to time.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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