For These 5 Reasons Women’s Weight Increases Overnight, Experts Say

Weight gain is a common problem among women. Recently, it was found that wrestler Vinesh Phogat’s weight increased overnight. This is why she was excluded from the Paris Olympics. Sometimes, it can increase without any particular reason. Women often wonder why their weight increases suddenly. According to experts, certain habits or reasons can lead to weight gain without paying attention to it. Come and tell us about the reasons why women’s weight can increase overnight.

Lack of sleep
If you don’t get proper sleep every day, it can affect your weight. Lack of sleep causes disruption of the body’s hormonal balance, which leads to increased appetite and slower metabolism. This increases the possibility of weight gain.

Stress has become very common in today’s busy life. But due to excessive stress, the level of hormone called ‘cortisol’ increases in the body which can lead to weight gain. Due to stress, people often start eating excessive and unhealthy foods which leads to weight gain.

Bad eating habits
If you eat too much fried or heavy food in the evening, it can also be a major reason for weight gain. Dinner should be light and nutritious, as the digestion process slows down during sleep, which leads to accumulation of fat in the body.

Lack of physical activity
If you sit in one place all day and do not do any physical activity, it is natural for your weight to increase. To keep the body fit, it is important to exercise or walk every day. This burns calories and keeps the weight under control.

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Health related issues
Sometimes, weight gain can also be due to a health-related problem, such as thyroid, PCOS, or other hormonal issues. If your weight starts increasing suddenly, you should consult a doctor and get necessary tests done.

Know the important things
There are many reasons why women gain weight, some of which are related to our lifestyle, while others can also be related to health. If you understand these reasons and make changes in your life, then it can be easy to control your weight. It is important to eat right, exercise daily, and get enough sleep. If you are facing the problem of sudden weight gain, it is important to consult a doctor.

Disclaimer: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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