For this reason, breasts begin to enlarge in some men, you need to know how to fix it.

Causes of male breast : Many men have very prominent breasts, which also becomes a cause of embarrassment. As soon as they wear tight-fitting clothes, their breasts become visible. This is called man boobs or man boobs or gynecomastia. According to experts, 50 to 60% of men face this type of pathology at some point in their lives. This can be observed at different stages of age.

Its first stage occurs at the age of 14 and heals itself around 19-20 years of age. This can happen anytime up to age 40. Now the question is why do men’s breasts enlarge? What is the way to solve this problem?

Why do men’s breasts get bigger?

Every man and woman has male and female tissues depending on their gender. In men who have more feminine tissue, the sides of their chest increase. When there is a deficiency of male hormone i.e. testosterone in men and the female hormone estrogen starts to increase, then they have the problem of male breasts. According to doctors, this problem can also be seen in men due to the consumption of steroids, marijuana and alcohol. Sometimes a reaction to medications can also be the cause.

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These are also the reasons for male breasts

1. Junk and fast food can also cause breast enlargement in men.

2. If breast size has not increased in men since childhood, in most cases obesity can be the cause.

3. Fat increases due to obesity. The enzyme lipase is found in fat cells, which converts the male hormone testosterone into the female hormone estrogen.

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4. According to health experts, nowadays oxytocin is injected into cows and buffaloes to increase milk production. Consumption of dairy products made from this milk can increase breast size in men.

5. Nowadays, steroids are given to goat or chicken to increase meat. When this meat enters the bodies of men, the size of their breasts increases.

How to Fix Male Breasts

1. According to doctors, if symptoms appear in children, their diet should be taken into account.

2. Don’t let children eat junk food, so that they stay away from obesity and diseases.

3. The problem of male breasts in children disappears by itself after some time at a young age, but if the problem persists, consult an expert.

4. If the male breast problem continues to worsen, doctors may also advise Vazer or Thermi breast treatment. In Wager, fat and tissue are removed by making a small incision near the chest, while in Thermi this problem is removed without making any incision.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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