For this reason, most people die because of this, your life can be saved from these health tips

The jostling is a deadly and dangerous situation when the crowd moves in the same direction at the same time, the number of people increases more than its capacity in one place. During the jostling, people collide and collide with each other or with each other. Recently, more than 150 people die in the Halloween program in Itavan, Seavan, Seoul, South Korea on October 28 and a stampede caused by more than 130 people after a football match in Malang, Indonesia, October 2 .

The jostling can be due to several reasons:


Bad control over crowds

narrow path

Heavy or dangerous structures

Threats of compressive asphixia during the jostling
Many people can fall and be crushed during a jostling, but the most common cause of death is the asphic compressed, which is a dangerous condition that occurs when breathing stops due to the external pressure on the body .
Humans take the air of their lungs through the trachea inside and outside. While our blood offers oxygen to the cells of our body, carbon dioxide comes out.

During the jostling, people trapped in the crowd collide with each other. This means that there is no place to move. For this reason, the muscle prevents the diaphragm from shrinking (tightening) and becoming flat, which means that the air cannot enter or out of the lungs.

When this happens, it is quickly compressed and breathing with the construction of carbon dioxide and the lack of oxygen. A human body cannot operate without oxygen for a long time because it can quickly cause organ failure and brain death.

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How to keep yourself safe during the jostling

Compressive asphyxia is dangerous, but it does not always lead to death. Cardiopulmonary rescue (RCR) can be recorded by intervening in a timely manner by primary treatment, people suffering from compressed asphixia. If you are not familiar with the RCR and you do not know how to do the RCR correctly, it is always better to try to do nothing. People with conditions such as compressed asphix or cardiac arrest can cause permanent brain damage after four minutes. RCR helps maintain the blood flow containing oxygen to the brain and other organs until emergency medical treatment arrives.

Find the edge
If you are caught in such a crowd, then find the advantage. Keep with a wall and a post. In such a situation, the fear of being stuck in the crowd is less. Avoid pressing the chest and lungs.

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If you come across the field in a stampede, do this job

If you fall on the ground, then tilt your head towards the chest and hide it using the wrist and arms. Fold your knees and shrink. Meanwhile, protect the sensitive part of the body, that is to say the stomach, the chest. Never run in the opposite direction of the crowd during the jostling. Never stand in the same place. Due to stabilization, there is more chance of falling during the push.

Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned.

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