How dangerous can the bottle of water that comes home every day be for your health?

Plastic water bottle: Even though we claim to not use plastic, it is very difficult to remove plastic from our lives. In addition to using plastic bags to store their belongings, most people consume water in plastic bottles.

Drinking water from plastic bottles may be convenient, but it’s not at all safe. According to a study recently published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, regular consumption of bottled water has a poisonous effect on health. Let us tell you about this research and its effects (plastic water bottle side effects).

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What does the research say about drinking water from plastic bottles?

According to the report published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, more than a million plastic nanomolecules were found in a one-liter plastic water bottle. These molecules can enter the bloodstream, cells and brain and cause adverse health effects. According to experts, plastic bottled water contains chemicals like bisphenol-A (BPA) and phthalates and when this bottled water is exposed to sunlight or heat, these chemicals dissolve in the water and when we use this water, if consumed, it can cause serious harm to the body, because plastic is composed of carbon, hydrogen, oxygen and chloride.

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How are plastic bottles harmful to health?

  • Polycarbonate bottles can significantly increase the risk of heart disease and diabetes because they contain bisphenol-A, according to a study from the Harvard School of Public Health.
  • According to experts, regularly drinking water from plastic bottles also affects fertility. Its water can cause hormonal imbalance and water contaminated with microplastics can increase cell inflammation.
  • Regular consumption of bottled water may also increase the risk of diseases like cancer. In fact, when a plastic bottle comes in contact with hot objects, harmful chemicals dissolve in it and its consumption also increases the risk of cancer.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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