How does wearing heels damage the spinal cord? Know how dangerous it is

Wearing high heels gives perfect posture, looks tall and stylish. After wearing heels you definitely look confident, but wearing them continuously can also cause many serious problems. But did you know that wearing high heels can have many serious long-term consequences? This can cause lower back pain or a sprained ankle.

Can wearing high heels cause many types of harm to the body?

1. Lower back pain

High heels do not provide full support to your feet. Being overweight can cause many problems, causing swelling, aches, and pain in your lower back.

2. Foot pain

High heels attract many and are a symbol of style for many people. But no matter how attracted they are. High heels are uncomfortable. High heels cause foot pain. You may feel severe pain in your heel, arch, ball of the foot, or toes.

High heels enhance your personality. At the same time, it can also cause many types of foot problems. Often people’s problems increase so much because of wearing high heels that they even have to have foot surgery. If you also like to wear high heels, definitely know what their disadvantages are. Let us know the harm caused to the body by wearing high heels.

Disadvantages of wearing high heels

Wearing high heels can cause pain in your feet as well as your knees. Apart from this, many other types of problems can arise due to this such as:

There may be a problem with pain in the legs

Wearing high heels for hours can cause foot pain. Indeed, wearing high heels causes tension in the muscles, which can cause pain in the feet as well as the ankles, waist and hips.

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There may be knee pain

Wearing high heels puts pressure on your spine, which can also affect your knees. In such a situation, if you have to wear high heels for several days or hours continuously, it may cause knee pain.

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There is a risk of fracture

There is also a risk of fracture linked to wearing high heels. Because of this, bones in the legs, waist and hips can break. Apart from this, posture can also be messed up. Therefore, if your bones are fragile, wear high heels with caution.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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