Due to high blood pressure, the brain’s vein can be low. And sometimes it happens that because of excessive pressure, the brain vein bursts. Later, the risk of bleeding, coagulation and stroke increases inside the brain. However, it is very important to note that each person with a strong BP is often afraid to burst their brain veins. Many types of symptoms are also observed in the body when there is a high PA, such as sudden and severe headaches, nausea, vomiting, a change in vision, confusion or numbness.
How far is high blood pressure?
The high PA is called high blood pressure (high blood pressure) when the high PA is 130/80 mm Hg (mm Hg) or more.
The way of measuring blood pressure and its categories are as follows:
Normal BP: less than 120/80 mm Hg
Augmented BP: 120–129 Systolic and less than 80 diastolics
First stage 1 high BP: 130–139 System system or 80–89 diastolic
Second high step BP: 140 or more systolic or 90 or more diastolic
Due to the high PA, several times a brain hemrosis occurs. Due to which there is a danger of life of a person. You can only see cerebral hemorrhage only as a kind of stroke. Brain hemorrhage also causes bleeding inside the brain. There is also a risk of hypertension due to the high PA. Which gradually weakens the blood vessels. If someone’s TA remains continuously high, the pressure on blood vessels is starting to increase.
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95% of cases of brain hemorrhage are due to a high PA. Therefore, BP must always be checked. So that the high TA can be dangerous for the body. People over the age of 40 should take care of their BP or level of cholesterol and sugar as well as AP increases, so it can be risky.
A high PA can damage organs such as heart, brain, kidneys and eyes. Doctors often see a high COP as a silent killer.
Warning: Some information provided in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing a suggestion, you must consult the expert concerned.
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