How much does a coronary angiography cost? -GoMedii

Day by day, people are dying due to heart attacks or heart diseases all over the world. The main reason for this is considered to be poor eating habits and irregular lifestyle. Due to negligence in eating habits, environmental pollution and many other reasons, the number of heart patients has increased rapidly in recent years. In recent years, cases of heart disease have been observed not only in the elderly, but also in young children and adolescents. In such a situation, doctors choose one of the many options for treating this disease, one of which is coronary angiography. Now, what is this coronary angiography? Today we will tell you about it and all the aspects related to it.



What is coronary angiography?


This is a type of screening procedure in which the artery blood The flow is checked. In this test, a dye is used with a camera to obtain clear images of blood flow in a vein or artery. in this process Body Use different organs such as: the chest, BackHand, Feet Used for veins or arteries.


Angiography is performed to check for heart disease. This is called coronary angiography. This angiography gives information about the artery obstruction Is it or not? Maybe many people don’t know about angiography, so they Heart Are not able to investigate irregularities. We have told you what coronary angiography is. Now we will also tell you about its expenses.



How much does a coronary angiography cost?


If you want to know the cost of coronary angiography, it depends on the hospitals, clinics, etc. in each city. But Coronary angiography costs around Rs 15,000 to Rs 45,000 Rs. So far.

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How does our heart work?


Let us tell you that the heart muscles It is an organ made of blood that pumps blood to the organs of the body. The heart is the center of the circulatory system that supplies blood. ships It is made up of a network of organs, such as arteries, veins and cells.


actually an electric one System Controls the heart and uses electrical signals to expand and contract the walls of the heart. When the walls contract, the heart pushes blood forward. The inflow (carrying blood from other parts of the body into the heart) and outflow (bringing blood from the heart to other parts of the body) valves in the heart chamber keep blood flowing in the right direction.


A Healthy The heart of the human body only supplies the amount of blood necessary for the body to function properly. In case of heart disease or injury weak When this happens, organs do not receive as much blood as they need to function properly.



What is the angiography test?


  • Let us tell you that radioactive elements or colors are used in angiography. With their help, blood vessels can be clearly seen on X-rays. With the help of digital subtraction angiography technology, the computer subtracts the view behind the arteries, making the image clearer.


  • This technique is used in case of blockage or possibility of blockage in the blood vessels. With its help the heart artery any kind of interruption in or Narrowing Information is available immediately.
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  • Once the angiogram detects blocked arteries, the surgeon opens these arteries through angioplasty. After the treatment, the blood flow in the patient’s blocked arteries becomes normal and the patient gets relief.


  • he Heart Helps in the treatment of heart attacks and other heart diseases. Before doing an angiogram, the patient is anesthetized, and then the angiogram is performed using the necessary equipment.



Why is a coronary angiography performed?


Coronary angiography is recommended under the following conditions:


  • having a sore throat for the first time


  • heart failure



  • recent heart attack



  • If your angina becomes severe and does not go away or if it occurs frequently.



How is the coronary angiography procedure performed?



cardiac catheterization The procedure can diagnose and treat heart and vascular conditions. At the same time, the coronary angiography procedure helps diagnose heart diseases. This is the most common type of heart catheter This is the process. To perform a coronary angiogram, a special type of dye is injected into the blood vessels of the patient’s heart.


This dye can be seen using an X-ray machine. The X-ray machine then quickly produces a series of images, giving a detailed look inside the patient’s blood vessels. This series of images is called an angiogram. If necessary, your doctor may also perform angioplasty during a coronary angiogram.


To perform a coronary angiogram, the doctor examines the patient’s arm or upper arm. Size They are numbed with numbing medication (anesthesia). The cardiologist then inserts a thin, hollow tube called a catheter into the artery and into the heart. X-ray images help the doctor position the catheter correctly.

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When the catheter is in place, the dye is released into the catheter. The X-ray images are now viewed and drawn into a picture of the dye’s movement in the artery. The dye helps to highlight any blockages in blood flow. This process takes half an hour.


Choose GoMedii for coronary angiography!


If you are looking for affordable coronary angiography and just want to get any kind of information about it, contact us. (+91 9599004311) Contact us at. You can also send us an email at [email protected] regarding our services. Our team will get back to you as soon as possible.

The post How much does a coronary angiography cost? first appeared on Best Health Tips in Hindi, Health Blog – News | AllerMédias.

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