Mount Kalash is called the divine residence of Lord Shiva. Lord Shiva lies on the sacred summits of Mount Kilash with his goddess Parvati and the children Karthikeya and Lord Ganesha. Each year, thousands of people opt for Kalash Mansarovar Yatra. China has decided to start a trip to Kalash. This trip has its own particular meaning to Sanatan Dharma. If you also plan to go to Kalash Mansarovar this year, you have to take care of these things.
Do these exercises before leaving on Mansarovar Yatra
For the preparation of Kilash Mansarovar Yatra, you can do exercises that increase strength and flexibility, such as squat, Lean, board, push and weight lifting. You can also try yoga postures and stretching exercises.
Shakti Exercise Squat, Leanj, Plate, Push-up and Lifting of Weight.
Flexibility and balance exercise
Yoga asana as triangle Asana (Tricoin Mudra) and Tadasana (Mountain Mudra)
Stretching exercise to relieve the stress of your hamstrings and your calves
Train to walk with a backpack to imitate the circumstances of Kalash Mansarovar Yatra
Fast walking or jogging
Try walking or jogging on 5 km or 3 miles per day
You can also try adaptation training to help make your body are suitable for a high height. This includes
Spend a few days before starting the trip
Slowly increase your size
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Be full of water
Listen to the sound of your body and rest if you feel bad
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