How to Get Your Fittest in 2022

focus on protein
in the dinner

certified nutritionist Dr Felipe Goglia— who also works as the official nutritionist for Marvel superheroes and prepares meal plans for clients like Chris Hemsworth and Brie Larson — suggests loading up on protein at night to see optimal physique results. “Dinner should be your high-protein meal,” she says. “Dinner should be just protein and vegetables. Your body will use the protein to help you recover while you sleep.” Goglia suggests fatty fish for its anti-inflammatory benefits and fat-burning benefits. Think salmon, sea bass, black cod, or arctic char. “Using high-fat fish as a dinner option increases the amount of omega fatty acids consumed at night. The result is deeper sleep, increased growth hormone release, and reduced inflammation.”

As important as pushing yourself in the gym is to reach your fitness goals, so is proper recovery. “One of the most recent and notable realizations we’ve come to in the fitness world is the importance of recovery-focused services,” says Marc Megna, Certified Personal Trainer at Anatomy in Miami. “The only way we can really have training longevity is by optimizing recovery.” Megna recommends cold water immersion to help your body replenish its energy and repair damaged tissues. She advises clients, post-workout, to soak in cold water for ten minutes to begin with, eventually working up to 20 minutes. “Immersion in cold water helps reduce the acid level in the muscles, which means reduced swelling and inflammation, less pain, and faster recovery.”

Traveling used to mean making sacrifices with your exercise routine. But now, travelers have more options than ever to exercise on the go, as hotels place more importance on building thoughtful fitness centers. “Hotel gym equipment is now driven by technology,” says Shannon Stringert, director of spa, salon and fitness at The cosmopolitan of Las Vegas. “It has evolved beyond offering a standard treadmill or elliptical and now includes the ability for guests to stay connected to their personal content while they exercise.” Use your time on the road to try out new equipment, ask your hotel about available guest passes to local gyms, or just train in your room if you have to.

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