How to Keep Gut Healthy in Monsoon? Expert Shares 5 Important Lifestyle Habits

Maintaining a healthy bowel routine is essential, especially in the rainy season when the risk of poor digestion increases. A microbiologist shares important lifestyle tips for a healthy gut.

When we talk about gut health, what we can imagine are the various processes of digestion. Keeping the gut healthy is essential to help maintain a healthy and happy body. An unhealthy gut can manifest as an upset stomach, poor health, etc. Therefore, it is also essential to have knowledge about gut bacteria – these are microorganisms that live inside our bodies and affect immune function. There are good bacteria, bad bacteria, and ugly bacteria. The gut is not only responsible for the digestion of food or the absorption of nutrients, but it is also the largest immune organ in the body. These bacteria help in the growth of the immune system.

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We have good and bad bacteria. Good bacteria are known as probiotics. Probiotics means “for life.” Therefore, we cannot live without these bacteria.

During the rainy season, constipation, diarrhea and other stomach problems increase. This can be due to consumption of contaminated food or drinks. In hot and humid climates, food tends to spoil easily. Humid climate creates the right environment for bacteria to develop and thrive quickly. had a special and exclusive conversation with Dr. Neerja Hajela, Microbiologist and Scientific Director, Yakult Danome India, who explained the essence of good gut bacteria and how to keep the gut healthy in everyday life.

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5 Expert-Backed Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Gut

  1. The most important thing is a balanced diet. Dr. Hajela says: “We hear about fad diets like low-carb diets or ketogenic diets, but I think it’s all a myth. We need to have a balanced diet, as the body needs carbohydrates, vitamins, minerals, etc.”
  2. What we lack is water. It is important to drink at least 7 or 8 glasses of water a day.
  3. According to the new guidelines of the Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR), we need at least 30 g of fibre as part of our diet. It is important to include whole grain foods.
  4. It is essential to do at least 30 minutes of physical activity every day. Dr. Hajela says you can dance, walk, do yoga or anything else, but physical activity is important.
  5. Getting eight hours of sleep is very important. Keep away cell phones and other electronic gadgets and maintain a healthy sleep schedule, as it also affects the gut.

A lot of gut health depends on our lifestyle. How we eat, sleep, how we deal with stress, etc. Everything affects the gut. Therefore, a healthy and active lifestyle can help boost the good bacteria to keep us healthy during monsoon as well.

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