If acidity bothers you, these 6 things kept in the kitchen will give you relief.

Acid reflux: Due to irregular eating habits and poor lifestyle, many types of stomach problems can arise. One of them includes the problem of acidity. Eating rotten and too spicy food can lead to acidity problems. If there is a problem of burning sensation in the stomach and chest, acidic gases start rising in the stomach. Due to this, a burning sensation is felt in the chest. To eliminate this acidity, we will give you some home remedies that will give you immediate relief.

Foods that reduce acidity

did: If acidity bothers you a lot, then you must eat banana. Because banana contains fiber. And it also reduces the acidity of the stomach. Apart from banana, eating watermelon also brings relief.

Almond: Almonds contain a lot of fiber. This reduces the problem of acidity. Almonds help to reduce acid and also reduce the burning sensation in the chest. Almonds can be eaten when the acidity is low, it is very good.

Mint leaves: If you are suffering from stomach problems, you should use mint leaves. Mint leaves reduce acid reflux. At the same time, it also keeps the stomach fresh.

Buttermilk: In case of acidity, you can also drink buttermilk. Drinking buttermilk relieves acidity. It has clearly visible soothing effects on the stomach. Drink a glass of buttermilk masala, then you can also drink plain buttermilk mixed with black pepper and coriander.

Ginger: You can also eat ginger which is rich in anti-inflammatory properties, it is very beneficial in acidity. Eating ginger improves digestion. Digestive juices are stimulated. Stomach aches due to acidity can also be cured with ginger.

  ग्लोइंग स्किन के लिए फायदेमंद है यह काले रंग का बीज, इसके फायदे जान आप हैरान रह जाएंगे

Papaya: Papaya contains papain, a natural enzyme that is very good for digestion. Eating papaya improves the pH of the stomach. This reduces acidity and relieves stomach problems.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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