If children do not digest milk, try these remedies, the effect will be visible after a few days.

Milk digestion problems in children : Breastfeeding is very important for the health of mother and child. Breast milk nourishes the baby and also produces antibodies. Due to which children are protected against infections, allergies, asthma and obesity. Milk is important not only for the newborn but also for growing children.

This meets their needs for minerals like vitamin D and calcium. This strengthens their bones and teeth. Hormones and the nervous system also develop well. But many children are not able to digest milk. It becomes difficult to give milk to these children. Tell us what steps need to be taken…

Many reasons why children have difficulty digesting milk

1. High amount of lactose in milk

2. Deficiency of an enzyme called lactase in the child’s intestines.

3. The child does not get enough rest after being fed.

What to do to give milk to children

1. Heat the milk

Heating the milk reduces the amount of lactose, making it easier for the child to digest the milk. By doing this you can easily give milk to children. Children can digest milk while focusing on many other options.

2. Mix the sugar into the milk

If your child is not able to digest milk, you can give it to him by mixing sugar into it. This reduces the amount of lactose, making it easier for the child to digest milk and the child also drinks milk enthusiastically.

3. Rest the child

4. Do not give external objects to the child

After giving milk, do not let the child eat other things or foreign objects. For this reason, milk is not digested properly and they may have digestive problems. Therefore, take care of children’s diet as much as possible.

  Do not buy such bottle gourd even by mistake, money will also be wasted and it is also bad for health.

5. Give lactose-free milk to the child

If the child is unable to digest milk and has a lactose problem, try giving him lactose-free milk. This helps his digestive system to digest milk and the child drinks milk wholeheartedly.

Disclaimer: Some information given in news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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