If someone in front of you has a heart attack, do it immediately, your life can be saved.

In recent years, heart attacks have become a serious problem in India. Moreover, the number of deaths due to heart attacks is increasing in the country. The cases of heart attacks are continuously increasing among young people between the ages of 25 and 45. This is becoming a matter of grave concern every day. This disease is more common not only among the elderly but also among the young.

As you see every day, people have heart attacks while exercising, dancing, wearing clothes at the gym or eating at a restaurant. But the question arises: why does this happen and we will also tell you what to do first if someone in front of you has a heart attack?

What to do after a heart attack

If someone in front of you has a heart attack today, first make him lie down straight on a flat place. If a person has lost consciousness, check his pulse. If the pulse is not felt at all, know that the person has suffered a heart attack. Because during a heart attack, the heartbeat stops and therefore the pulse cannot be found. It is necessary to resuscitate his heart within two to three minutes, otherwise his brain may be damaged due to lack of oxygen. In such a situation, if a heart attack occurs, immediately and hard hit the chest. Beat him until he regains consciousness. This will allow his heart to start working again.

Give CPR to an unconscious person immediately

If someone loses consciousness and there is no pulse, immediately perform CPR with your hands. Mainly two tasks are performed in CPR. The first is to press on the chest and the second is to breathe through the mouth, which is called mouth-to-mouth breathing. Place your palm in the middle of the first person’s chest. While pumping, place the palm of one hand on top of the other, lock your fingers tightly and keep both hands and elbows straight. After this, the chest is compressed by pumping the chest. By doing this, the heartbeat starts again. Press the chest with the palm for 1 to 2 inches. Do this one hundred times a minute.

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