If you are not getting enough milk for your baby, do it, the problem will disappear in a jiffy.

Not all mothers need to have milk after giving birth. Many hormonal changes occur in women’s bodies during pregnancy and after childbirth. This has a direct impact on breastfeeding. Many women complain of not producing enough milk. As much as it should be. Today we will talk in detail about the errors made after delivery, due to which milk is not produced. If you too encounter this kind of problem. So we have brought special tips for you

breastfeed frequently

Breastfeed your baby as often as you like, especially in the first few weeks. Babies every 2-3 hours during the first weeks. Continue to breastfeed 8 to 12 times a day. This will increase milk flow. To increase the amount of milk, breastfeed. Express milk by pumping or by hand. If you are away from your baby for long periods of time, pump or pump every 3 hours. Try relaxation techniques like listening to calming music to reduce anxiety. Eat well and drink plenty of water. Eat a proper diet and drink plenty of water.

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According to health experts, mothers often do not express milk after giving birth. The reason behind this is diet. It often happens that mothers do not follow a healthy and appropriate diet during their pregnancy. This is why they face many problems after delivery. For this reason, the child may experience problems while breastfeeding. Milk comes less.

Women should pay particular attention to their diet after having children.

  अगर वेट लॉस के लिए रोज पी रहे हैं फ्रूट जूस तो ठहर जाएं, कहीं ये आपकी गलती तो नहीं?

According to health experts, often after a cesarean section, the child is kept in a daycare center separate from the mother. In such a situation, the mother cannot see the child. Because of which there is no milk. It is also seen that when the child comes in contact with the mother, the woman’s milk secretion begins. He said this happens even during surgery.

Even if a woman’s body is weak from the inside, it takes time for milk to ejaculate. It often happens that the mother has so little milk that she cannot fill her stomach. What should women do in such a situation? Women should include more and more nutrients and proteins in their diet. Thanks to this, the milk begins to arrive.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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