If you are over 50, give up this habit immediately, otherwise blood sugar levels will rise.

Maintain blood sugar level: Diabetes is a chronic disease for which there is no cure. This can only be managed. After being affected by this disease, many other diseases can also affect the body.

Nowadays, due to inactive lifestyle and poor eating habits, people of all ages are falling prey to diabetes. In this, their blood sugar levels increase, which increases many types of risks. This disease can increase more in people over 50 years old. In such a situation, the moment you reach this age, you should immediately give up some of your habits, so that blood sugar levels remain maintained and problems are avoided.

What should the blood sugar level be at age 50?

According to the NIH, blood sugar levels should be checked regularly. People with type 2 diabetes should check their blood sugar several times a day. Normal blood sugar level should be between 90 and 100 mg/dl. Between the ages of 50 and 60, blood sugar levels should be between 90 and 130 mg/dl on an empty stomach, 140 mg/dl after eating, and less than 150 mg/dl before sleeping at night.

What habits should you give up?

1. Negligence regarding diet

At 50, you should not neglect your diet. You have to be very careful about it. Even the slightest disruption in eating habits can increase fluctuations in blood sugar levels. So only adopt a healthy diet. Be sure to include fresh fruits, green vegetables, whole grains, nuts and seeds in your diet.

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2. Do not allow weight gain

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There may be problems with weight gain if you have diabetes. Weight can also increase after age 50. In such a situation, weight management should be continued. You should not do anything that could increase the weight. Follow only a healthy lifestyle.

3. Don’t eat sugar or sweet things

Sugar and sweets contain high amounts of sugar, which can raise blood sugar levels. Apart from this, eating processed foods can also increase blood sugar levels. In such a situation, these things should be avoided.

4. Inactive lifestyle

If you are over 50 years old and lead an inactive lifestyle, immediately give up this habit, otherwise blood sugar levels will rise. Regular exercise helps control blood sugar levels. Therefore, exercise daily.

5. Don’t stress, get enough sleep

Stress can increase blood sugar. People over 50 should take up yoga, meditation or other measures to reduce stress. Apart from that, sleep should not be lacking. People of this age should sleep 7 to 8 hours a day.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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