If you exercise you won’t have a heart attack, do you know what the whole truth is?

As fitness becomes the new trend, young adults are hitting the gym more often than ever. In an effort to build a stronger, heavier body, gym goers often perform rigorous exercises that may not meet their body’s needs and capabilities. Young Indian adults – whether male or female – are suffering from heart disease more than ever today.

Compared to Western countries, Indians suffer from heart diseases at least 10 years earlier than their counterparts. One of the reasons for India’s poor heart health is that we have comparatively smaller blood vessels than the Western population. With cases of heart attacks increasing among young people and fitness enthusiasts, we shed light on the reasons behind this dangerous health problem. So it would be absolutely wrong to say that those who exercise will not have heart attacks. If exercise hadn’t caused heart attacks, so many actors wouldn’t have died last year.

Last year, actor Siddharth Shukla, comedian Raju SrivastavaActor Deepesh Bhan also died after suffering a heart attack while working out, so has the gym now become deadly? Is there strict gym training? Are supplements taken at the gym deadly? Why do heart attacks occur when working out at the gym? In fact, the number of people who die from heart attacks is increasing. Meanwhile, such cases are now appearing even during gym workouts. How does gym training directly affect the heart?

Dr. Ankur explained that the main reason for a sudden heart attack is overexercising or suddenly doing more exercise without following the routine. He said people should check their bodies repeatedly every few months. Supplements also have a detrimental effect on people’s health. The doctor said: “Many people take supplements in large quantities without checking. 90 percent of people think they have chest pain due to acidity, but that is not the case. Cholesterol levels can be high, hence health It is very important to have control. Also in the fitness sector it is important that trainers have a certificate.

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Keep These Things in Mind Before Going to the Gym
Dr. Ankur said that it is mandatory for every gym goer to follow a diet chart. Diet is the main reason for their health. Sanjay Chavan, a consultant, advises a diet for people who go to the gym. He said that the body is not built in the gym, but through diet. Our advice is to consume food in small quantities every two hours and not in large quantities at once. The doctor further said that it is important to take supplements as per our requirement as people consume less protein from the diet. They can get this protein through supplements, but everything must be done within certain limits. If it exceeds the limit, it can be harmful.

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“Not everyone can afford to train in the gym”
About deaths due to heart attacks in the gym, gym owner and trainer Vikrant Desai told ABP News that everyone should exercise, but what is happening these days does not not going. It’s our responsibility, we are like doctors, it’s our responsibility to improve people’s health, but such cases appear in our own industry. Vikrant said the number of gyms has increased across the country. Everyone considers the gym as a business and invests in it, but in this field they do not hire certified trainers and not everyone can provide gym training. It is necessary to have a certificate.

Disclaimer: Some information in news stories is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you should consult the relevant expert.

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