If you skip breakfast, you will never lose weight. Is there any truth to this?

Breakfast to lose weight : Most people think that eating less leads to weight loss. This is the reason why many people skip breakfast or any other meal of the day. However, the method is completely wrong. If you skip breakfast to stay fit or lose weight, it has a bad effect on the body.

You should never skip meals to lose weight. This can lead to micronutrient deficiency in the body and cause many diseases. By doing this, weight may increase instead of decreasing due to metabolic disorder. Let’s know the whole truth…

Myth: Breakfast is necessary for weight loss

Do According to a study published in the Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism of the Endocrine Society, a hearty breakfast and a light dinner can help keep you fit. It can also prevent obesity and blood sugar. Experts say that breakfast should be meant to break the overnight fast. The first mile of the day is much more important than the rest. It provides fuel to the body and can function easily throughout the day. Breakfast should be hearty and should always contain elements rich in macronutrients.

Myth: Skipping breakfast causes weight gain

Do : When we sleep after dinner, we fast for 10-12 hours until morning. At this time, the body needs food to get energy for the whole day. Our breakfast decides how our day will go. What will be and how high will the energy level of the body be? Nowadays, due to pressure and rush at work, many people skip breakfast. They think that it also reduces weight, but by doing so, the weight may increase instead of decreasing.

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Myth: You can lose weight by eating fruit, salad and smoothies for breakfast.

Do : Experts say that people feel that breakfast is an obstacle to their weight loss, so they start skipping it and replacing it with fruits, salads or smoothies. They think that this will compensate for nutrition and quickly reduce weight, but this is not the right solution. Skipping the main meal will lead not only to a deficiency of micronutrients, but also to heart disease, diabetes, obesity, high blood pressure, stroke. LDL cholesterol. The danger may increase.

Disclaimer: Some information given in the news is based on media reports. Before implementing any suggestion, you must consult the concerned expert.

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